Shed those COVID-19 pounds

Food is our comfort in these trying times. It helps relieve the anxiety we feel due to the uncertainties swirling around us. What’s going to happen to school? Should I visit my favorite restaurant? Given the amount of TV / streaming content we have also consumed, couch potatoing is an activity that is gaining
momentum as we settle into new routines.

There are many activities residents have been doing to burn off those newly acquired COVID-19 pounds. Some, like me, have a bike and have gotten more familiar with their neighborhoods. Others have been running and playing tennis, as those activities allow us to keep our social distance and get our heart rate up.

However, a lot of us need some help to get a good program going. There are a lot of local pros that can help; you may have seen the Trainstation mobile gym trailer driving around in your neighborhood. Rick delivers all the gym equipment you need to your house. Harry, a kickboxing trainer from HB Kickboxing, can help you get a workout and improve your martial arts skills.

Whatever your choice is, COVID-19 pounds are another way this pandemic could impact your health long term, but there are many options to shed them. So, you can keep active, or if you need help, many professionals are ready to keep you healthy.


By Curiously Hungry