Fresh produce offers health in seasonal colors

With the arrival of the end of the year holidays, I get the impression that my clients think they have a pass on doing the right thing. Not! I know there is  plethora of tempting edibles at every gathering, at homes, and workplaces.

But one of the best things about this time of year is the colorful and nutrition filled fresh produce. It’s as if Mother Nature selected the season’s bounty to fit right in with the traditional holiday colors of red and green.


Though red radishes are the most popular, they also come in rose, purple, lavender, and white. The popular variety in red and white could easily be considered the Santa Claus vegetable.

With a few swift slits of the paring knife, these orbs become the focal point of a vegetable tray. They look good, and they are good for you. The radish is low in calories, and high in vitamins A and C.

Radishes are a good source of vitamins and minerals. The vegetable’s high water and fiber content aids in digestion and makes it an excellent detoxifier.


This colorful veggie looks like red cabbage with deep red or magenta leaves and white veins. Its flavor is spicy, with a hint of bitterness. It adds a stunning  pop of color to salads, and vegetable trays. You can also spread radicchio’s leaves with hummus, dips, tuna, or shrimp salad instead of crackers. It is a good source of antioxidants, contributing to overall health and wellness. The veggie is also high in fiber, as well as vitamins C and K, which promotes bone health. It contains magnesium which helps build strong bones and teeth, and potassium which plays a positive role in regulating blood pressure.


Red beets are available year-round and can be served roasted, steamed, pickled, or in juice. This vegetable is in the same family as spinach and Swiss  chard. Beets are a good source of heart healthy folate and potassium. They also contain energy producing carbohydrates, antioxidants manganese and vitamin C; they are a good source of digestive-supportive dietary fiber, along with magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.

You can intensify the color of beets by adding lemon juice or vinegar while cooking for a brighter color. Baking soda will cause them to turn a deeper purple. Add salt after cooking, because it can blunt the color.

Red Swiss Chard

This leafy green, also in the vegetable family with beets, is stunning with its magenta stalk and veins surrounded by textured deep green leaves.

Swiss chard is an excellent source of bone-building vitamin K, manganese, and magnesium; it is high in antioxidants vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It contains potassium and iron, is a good source of fiber and B vitamins including folate which is good for a healthy heart. Swiss chard can be included in salads and sandwiches or as a hot vegetable. To maximize the nutrients, quick cooking such as sauté or steaming is best.

Whether seasonal festivities or year ‘round, these “reds” are vegetables to dish about; they are fabulous looking, great of these to your menu and you’ll be one nutrition-savvy hostess/host serving great dishes that are nutrition rich.

Take Away: Festive occasions can be enjoyed without shelving your plan for good health. Make wise choices and try to opt for colorful fruits and vegetables. Plenty of fruits and vegetables will go a long way toward keeping the calories down and nutrition up.

Holiday tips to manage diabetes

November is National Diabetes Month, and the Center for Disease Control reports that 29.1 million people, diagnosed and undiagnosed, are challenged with this disease in the United States. As a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) I focus on wise food choices throughout the year. As the holiday season unfolds, I want to give people the tools to eat well and wisely.

In planning menus and choosing items from those often served at holiday meals, diabetes can afflict the meal planner as well as those dining at the table.As the host or hostess, it is important to include options for those who may have challenges with what some folks dismiss as “just a little sugar.” In putting together a menu of traditional dishes, which tend to be carbohydrate heavy, remember that to control diabetes it is essential to manage carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are necessary nutrients that are the fuel for energy— however if diabetes is a factor, carbs must be monitored. Carbohydrates are starches, sugars, and fiber. Now let’s look at some of the dishes typically found on the Thanksgiving menu.

Michelle Stewart

Snacks and Appetizers:
These often include cheese and crackers, dips, or cocktail-size frankfurters. Good- for-you options to substitute are fresh vegetables in place of salty snacks such as chips or pretzels. Limit the cheese, which can be high in fat and calories, and ditch the baby frankfurters for lean lunchmeat rolled in lettuce leaves.

Side Dishes:
Folks do love potatoes — mashed, scalloped, or sweet. It is not the potato itself that gets the bad rap; it’s the additions of butter, cheese, milk, sour cream, and other goodies. If making potatoes, opt for low-fat milk or plain Greek-style yogurt in place of cream and sour cream. If sweet potatoes are on the list, cut back on the amount of butter, sugar, and marshmallows. Sweepotatoes are a real power food, but if pairing the sweets with the previous list, the power punch is knocked out! Include roast or steamed green vegetables, baked squash, and a tossed green salad.

Now turkey stuffing is in the side-dishcategory — this too can be more wholesome if you use a little less butter or margarine, use sodium-reduced broth, and whole grain bread or brown rice, depending on the type of stuffi ng you are making.


Main Dishes:

Turkey is the star attraction on most tables, however, it can also be joined by ham or roast beef. These are protein foods without any carbohydrates. Limit servings to 3 to 4-ounce portions. If turkey is your main-dish choice, go for roasted turkey and not deep- fried. Choose turkey breast and remove the skin. If gravy is on the must-have list, limit to a couple of tablespoons or half a ladle of gravy.

I know this is where so many slip up. Don’t deny yourself dessert, choose half-size portions, forgo caramel, chocolate, and whipped toppings. If eggnog is in the picture, pour a juice-size glass or make the beverage your dessert in place of cake or pie.

These are some of the tools and guidelines for good and healthy eating during the holidays. Diabetes is serious but by making wise choices as the host or guest, folks can eat well, enjoy the season, and keep well-being goals in sight.

Take Away: You can enjoy seasonal holidays by making good choices to eat well and manage the Diabetes challenge.