One year anniversary of COVID-19

Believe it or not, March marks a year since our lives changed drastically. At the beginning of March 2020, COVID-19 spread throughout the world, requiring individuals to forgo their usual routines and adapt to a new lifestyle. Now, a year later, we are living our lives very differently.

Not only are we more conscious of our surroundings, but we are more hygienic. For example, if you go to a store or a gym, you will see employees or trainers sanitizing equipment and merchandise every few minutes. We spend more time washing our hands and taking care of ourselves than we ever did before.

“I forgot my mask!” is a common phrase you catch yourself saying, and traveling out of the country or state is an all-too-real distant dream. With all the isolated time we have been given during the pandemic, we have learned how to slow down, organize our homes and closets way too  many times, bake banana bread, and enjoy the outdoors.

With all these new hobbies we have acquired, all we want to do is to continue living our lives the way we did a year ago, but it is not that simple.

University of Michigan senior, Donna Neuman, longs for an in person graduation ceremony more than anything. “I really just want a graduation and nothing else right now is important to me. My friends and I have turned a lot of negatives into positives; for example, instead of going out with friends we hang in together. Those things are replaceable, but graduating is not.”

Our lives have changed in many more ways than one. As we sit and reflect on the one-year anniversary of COVID-19, it is hard to believe that it has only been a year.

When I think about the timeline it almost feels like a century. Masks are a part of our uniform and getting tested for COVID is the new trend.

Since it is risky for older adults with health restrictions to spend time with their younger loved ones, we have utilized FaceTime or Zoom to still get our personal family time.

Fortunately, the vaccine has been distributed to many essential workers, and soon to the rest of the world.

With the new year, all we can hope for is to say goodbye to COVID-19 and hello to living. By March 2022, I hope for good health, love, and for our lives to be more adventurous and spent with the ones we love most.

Virtual care becomes new standard in era of COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has forced a reshaping of the landscape of healthcare, requiring the medical community to look for new, safer approaches to patient care.

To keep patients and team members safe, virtual visits are now conducted via remote communication technology, such as Telehealth and Telemedicine. This is the new normal of patient doctor interaction, and represents a new era of healthcare delivery, and one that will continue into the foreseeable future.

As the pandemic continues, frontline workers at doctors’ offices and hospitals have been put to the ultimate test. In response, new and better programs of communications via Internet technology were enhanced, and audio check-ins restructured. Through telehealth and telemedicine, doctors and nurses can now engage patients via digital devices to meet basic healthcare needs.

During the height of the pandemic, most elective procedures at hospitals and doctors’ clinics were cancelled. With new variants of the virus threatening the country, a new challenge has been created. With elective procedures canceled, questions arose on how to safely care for emergency and non-emergency patients in a safe environment.

The solution was a broadening of virtual care to interact with patients, maintain safe environments, and adhere to mandated social distancing guidelines. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) increased access to Medicare telehealth services so beneficiaries could receive a wider range of care from their doctors without them having to travel to a healthcare facility.

“To protect both staff and patients, some medical practices closed their doors to in-person visits because of concerns over the risk of transmission,” said Randall M. Taubman, M.D., CPE, regional medical director at ClareMedica Health Partners LLC, Miami Lakes. “We remained open; our staff wore personal protective equipment (PPE) and each patient was thoroughly screened. Anyone screened as a possible COVID candidate was seen remotely.”

According to Dr. Taubman, video-based visits are preferred and more effective. “The doctor and the patient can see each other and it’s a more natural interaction,” he said. “Plus, if there are any physical changes, doctors can analyze the problem, and that’s a big benefit over an audio virtual visit.” Differences also exist between the way medical codes are applied and how video-based visits are billed.

Scheduling a remote health visit
Telehealth visits can be Web-based or done through a phone call to the office, but prior to the online interaction, most practices require verification of identity and insurance information. “Patients must consent to this form of care, and when they ‘meet’ with their doctor, the visit is conducted in much the same way as an in-person visit,” said Dr. Taubman. “The one exception is that doctors may ask additional questions about a patient’s general health and well-being.”

Before opting for a telehealth or telemedicine visit, patients should make a list of questions. They should also be prepared to explain any symptoms and list medications, dosages, and times they are taken daily.

“The best way to prepare for a virtual health visit is to find a quiet, private room where there are no distractions,” Dr. Taubman said. “Patients need to download any applications needed for the two-way communications and decide beforehand if the visit will be done on a computer, tablet, or phone. The doctor’s office needs to be aware of the patient’s choice. When prescribing medications, doctors still use electronic prescribing to send the script to a pharmacy — a routine practice even before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

A new revenue stream
Reaching out to patients and serving them remotely is now a necessity to sustain physician practices. It is even a benefit to hospitals where there has been a revenue decline in long-standing money-making units such as operating rooms, interventional radiology, and outpatient services. Virtual care is now a proven means of caring for patients safely while tapping into a revenue source that helps offset the decline of in-person visits.

Over the months, regulatory and reimbursement barriers that hindered the widespread use of telehealth were relaxed, allowing providers more freedom to use virtual care for their patients. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that during the first quarter of 2020, the number of telehealth visits increased by 50 percent. This allowed providers to scale their technology, learn more about various platforms, and reshape strategies that would be the most benefit to patients.

The difference between Telehealth and Telemedicine
The words “telehealth” and “telemedicine” are sometimes used interchangeably, but they don’t mean the same thing. The Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) says telehealth is the “use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health services, patient and professional health-related education, public health, and health administration.” These technologies include videoconferencing, the Internet, store-and-forward imaging, streaming media, and wireless communications. Telemedicine, however, refers to “specific remote clinical services.”

Both play a critical role in the new era of patient care. Virtual care allows doctors to communicate with patients at a variety of locations that include their residence, a nursing home, an emergency room, or specific divisions within hospitals such as wards, special care units, and even psychiatric units. In addition, access to remote care greatly reduces the potential of exposure to the virus and lowers demands on frontline workers.

Types of remote visits
The three basic types of access routinely used are: Medicare Telehealth (MTH) visits, Virtual Check-ins (VCI); and E-Visits (EV). MTH utilizes telecommunication systems between the provider and patient and may include office visits, out-patient visits, or consultations. The VCI is a brief phone check-in with a practitioner to discuss whether an in-office visit is required, or a remote evaluation can be conducted where a patient can submit images (as in the case of dermatology) to his or herdoctor for  evaluation. The EVs are a format to communicate between patient and provider via an online patient portal.

Telehealth popularity
According to the CDC, the number of telehealth visits in the U.S. increased by 50 percent during the first quarter of 2020 and providers reshaped their strategies to engage with patients. “The use of telehealth is a trend that I don’t foresee diminishing even if COVID improves,” commented Dr. Taubman. “It can help with physician shortage and travel issues in the medical industry, so I believe it’s here to stay.”

According to a Telehealth Impact Claims Analysis conducted by the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition Telehealth Impact Study Work Group, the latest numbers on telehealth claims in Florida peaked at around 700,000 in April of 2020, and the primary diagnosis of circulatory issues exceeded 200,000. Claims nationwide for circulatory issues in the country exceeded five million in February of last year, and total claims exceeded 12 million.

New advances in digital health technology have transformed patient treatment models internationally. Greater access and more efficiency are the keys to serving patients in the era of COVID-19.


Stretch Zone for 2021

Looking for a solution to help relieve the aches and pains of everyday activity? Stretch Zone of Coral Springs provides guests with Flex-ability for Life. Using proprietary stretching methods and a patented stabilization system, Stretch Zone seeks to improve guest health and wellness through practitioner-guided

For more than 15 years, Stretch Zone has helped many individuals seeking a solution to help them feel better and live life to the fullest. Stretch Zone facilities offer a welcoming environment, knowledgeable staff, and comfortable equipment, all of which allow clients to relax and fully benefit from our methods.

Whether you are a professional athlete, week-end warrior, or senior, ages 14 to well over 100 are welcome. Come and see how we can help you with a complimentary first stretch class.

Stretch yourself

Looking for a solution to help relieve the aches and pains of everyday activity? Stretch Zone of Coral Springs provides guests with Flex-ability for Life. Using proprietary stretching methods and a patented stabilization system, Stretch Zone seeks to improve guest health and wellness through practitioner-guided stretching.

For more than 15 years, Stretch Zone has helped many individuals seeking a solution to help them feel better  and live life to the fullest. Stretch Zone facilities offer a welcoming environment, knowledgeable staff, and comfortable equipment, all of which allow clients to relax and fully benefit from our methods.

Whether you are a professional athlete, week-end warrior, or senior, ages 14 to well over 100 are welcome. Come and see how we can help you with a complimentary first stretch class.

A “hip” approach to state-of-the-art care

Dr. Leone’s specialized surgical approach, combined with personalized care, linked to faster recoveries for hip and knee patients.

More than a decade ago, Dr. William A. Leone, head of The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care at Holy Cross Health in Fort Lauderdale, made an intentional and compassionate decision, transforming the patient care model for his orthopedic practice. It was founded on his vision of providing state-of-the-art orthopedic care while treating every patient with how he would want his family members, and himself, cared for.

Dr. Leone’s unique integration of clinical, surgical, and technological expertise, combined with caring, personalized attention from him and his entire staff, have helped restore mobility and improve the quality of life for thousands of patients from throughout the United States and around the world. He cares for people in their 80s and 90s who refuse to relinquish their independence and opt for surgery to regain their quality of life. He also treats patients in their 20s and 30s who desire an active lifestyle and want to feel “normal” again.

His comprehensive and patient-centered approach begins with the initial consultation and persists throughout the entire post-operative period. Patients are guaranteed increased availability with Dr. Leone and his entire staff, work with a designated and responsive patient liaison, and are educated on what to expect throughout the entire process. This ensures each patient’s entire experience is as positive and comfortable as possible, resulting in successful results and faster recoveries.

“A wonderful trend I’ve seen over my extensive career is that each year my patients are getting well faster and recovering easier than ever before. My surgical procedures are more precise and reproducible and today’s implants are vastly improved compared to years prior,” said Dr. Leone. “Combined with less invasive and more anatomically-sparing surgical techniques and my emphasis on preempting, preventing, and down-regulating pain have all led to patients getting well faster than ever before and regaining their quality of life.”

To avert pain, medication begins prior to surgery, special anesthetic techniques combined with local injections and nerve blocks, gentle soft tissue handling with precise soft tissue balance, and post-operative medications from different families of drugs taken on a schedule, have all made a world of difference. One of the reasons Dr. Leone’s patients recover so quickly is that they are well prepared for their surgery. When patients go into surgery knowing what to expect before, during, and after their surgery, they are less anxious, recover quicker with more confidence, and have an overall superior experience.

“In my experience, a respected, well-informed patient not only has a faster, smoother recovery but also a much better experience, which contributes to a superior outcome,” said Dr. Leone. “Choosing the right surgeon with the right team and at the right hospital is critically important. Education combined with confidence are key ingredients for success.”

Dr. Leone encourages anyone considering hip or knee surgery, to browse his website. He’s written more than 100 blog articles; some are shared thousands of times each month. There is a section on “Frequently Asked Questions,” and he’s particularly proud of the hundreds of inspiring testimonials from patients who share their gratitude and inspiring stories.

The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care provides superb, highly personalized, orthopedic care for people with arthritic hip and knee conditions and for patients who develop problems with a prior joint replacement. Dr. Leone offers patients the latest, most-promising innovations for joint replacement surgery in a compassionate, patient-focused setting. He has performed over 13,000 joint surgeries throughout his career, restoring mobility and improving the quality of life for thousands of patients from around the globe.

The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care at Holy Cross Health is located at 1000 NE 56th Street in Fort Lauderdale. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call 954-489-4575 or visit



Ask Dr. Renae: Teen protecting endangered family member is not alone

Dear Dr. Renae,

A member of my immediate family living in my home has a medical condition which makes them immune compromised. Out of love, respect and fear for their safety, I have limited my social interactions. My friends understood at first but have begun subtly pressuring me to go out. I feel very left out, and it really makes it so much harder since I am missing out on so much. I am also worried about infecting my family member, so I have not even been attending school in person. I feel isolated and may be becoming depressed. I just want my friends to understand.

Alone at 17

Dear Alone at 17,

Your concern for your family is very honorable. You’ve made the right decision by staying home to keep your family safe. I would suggest talking to your friends and explaining to them how you feel and why you don’t want to go out. I would hope that your friends are mature enough to realize that you are making the right choice in staying home. After that I would suggest just talking to them over the phone or having zoom nights together. There’s a lot of online games that you and your friends can play together, or you can just relax and talk to each other. Remember that you can always have fun even if you’re not physically together. I wish you the best of luck.

High School Senior


Dear Alone at 17,

You are not alone!! There are so many people who are going through the exact same thing as you. I think that you are being very responsible and caring, and I’m sure your friends will see that! I suggest finding a group of people to have nightly zoom calls with and plan fun things to do together on the phone. Another example is to ask your friends to have a socially distant lunch!! I for one have been extremely cautious during COVID like you and one thing I have done to see my friends is having a socially distant lunch or hangout! You pick an outdoors area and go separately with your own blanket and sit apart in a huge circle… lots of feet apart! During these trying times, it is definitely important to find people that can support you on your off days. I hope you are doing well.

A Caring Friend

Dear Alone at 17,

I have people around me who also pressure me to go out, so I completely understand where you are coming from. I found the best way to remedy the situation is with communication. It may help to communicate with your friends through a video chat or voice call  about your experience with the pandemic and how you feel left out. It would also be helpful to come up with some stay-at-home events your friends can do together. I suggest game nights, powerpoint nights, or just chatting on the phone. I hope you don’t feel so alone in the future.

Your Fellow Teen

Dear Alone at 17,

It is inconceivable to be robbed of your much anticipated social year and normal for you to feel a loss. Your love and respect for your family is admirable especially for a teen. You sound like you are comfortable with your decision, an important predictor for your ability to make future difficult decisions. Friends who acknowledge and respect your choice will likely stand out head and shoulders above those friends who do not understand. Focusing your attention on these true friends will likely bring you more comfort than focusing attention on those who regrettably surprised you with their lack of support. True friends will find creative ways to remain connected to you, especially now when you need your friends more than ever. In addition, when you are able to finally socialize in person, it will be helpful to know who your true friends are so you can count on them in the future.

Dr. Renae


TEENS: Curious as to what other teens would say? If you have a question or problem you would like to present to other teens, please email: and include your age, grade, and gender you identify with. All questions are published anonymously and your identity and contact information will be kept confidential.

PARENTS OF TEENS: Would you like to anonymously and confidentially ask the panel of teen Peer Counseling Writers to comment on a parenting issue you are struggling with? If you are ready for a variety of honest opinions from real teens, please address your questions to

Dr. Renae Lapin, a licensed marriage and family therapist with 40 years experience, currently maintains a private practice in Boca Raton, Florida. For more information about Dr. Renae and her practice, visit her website:

Simple but savvy moves for heart health

This month is all about hearts, love, and adding a little TLC to your everyday life. February is American Heart Month. This month is dedicated to driving awareness around heart disease, or cardiovascular disease (CVD). These are the leading causes of many health-related issues that can not only affect your ability to work, but impact your overall quality of life.

It’s important to know that some of the at-risk factors to heart health issues include poor diet, being overweight and lack of physical activity. To ensure that you’re on the right track to improve or maintain a healthier heart, show yourself a little more love by following some of these recommended adjustments for improving your diet by managing your portions and staying active.

Improve your diet

• Start the day with a low-fat breakfast. Try these simple ideas:

• In an electric blender, process 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 cup vitaminwater zero, 1 6 oz. carton Greek Style yogurt, and 1⁄2 cup fresh or frozen fruit to make a fruit smoothie.

• Spread toasted multi-grain waffle with 1 tablespoon peanut butter.

• Top oatmeal with chopped apple, raisins, or 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts.

• Eat every three to four hours or five to six times a day; this prevents you from becoming too hungry.

• Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water –eight to ten glasses a day will keep you hydrated. If you are looking for hydrating options in addition to water, try flavored varieties such as vitaminwater zero or sparkling water. Most importantly, remember that all beverages hydrate. Thirst is an indicator of dehydration and sometimes thirst is confused with hunger.

• Include more fiber in your diet such as whole grain breads and cereals, beans, legumes, and nuts. Higher fiber will aid in helping you feel full.

• Include more vegetables and fruits—these too will help fill you up, and not out.

Manage weight with right-size portions

It’s important to have a good relationship with food, so my mantra is “all foods and beverages can fit into a balanced diet in moderation.” Below are some guidelines to help you keep portion control in mind and some products that can help you do so.

• Choose 3-oz. portions of lean meat, fish, or poultry. This is a serving about the size of a deck of cards.

• For fruits and vegetables, consider a portion about the size of a baseball. If you enjoy avocado, go for one-half of a medium avocado.

• Servings for grains, beans, and legumes should compare to the size of an adult fist.

• Beverages also come in perfectly-portioned sizes. Coca-Cola has mini-cans available at about 7.5 ounces.

Keep it moving

Regular physical activity and exercise can have long term positive effects along with reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. By getting your body moving, you can improve control of your weight, combat heart disease, increase your energy and mood, decrease stress, and improve your sex life.

Scheduling the time to exercise on your calendar will help make it part of your standard daily routine. If you cannot set aside a 30 to 45-minute block of time, do several 5-10-minute segments daily. The buddy system works well here—having a friend on board will help keep you both motivated and on task.

Take Away: Focus on heart health this month. Start to make life long changes to your lifestyle choices and show a little love to your heart and those you care about around you.


Broward Health Coral Springs offers elite cardiac services

For many years Broward Health Coral Springs (BHCS) provided cardiac care services to the community, but one key component was missing—a cardiac catheterization lab for emergency catheterizations. Subsequently, patients were transported to other facilities, but that’s no longer the case.

Last June, a new state-of-the-art cath lab became operational at BHCS. “We now have the ability to care for specifi c patients with ST Elevation Myocardial Infarctions (STEMI),” said Mohamed Osman, M.D., director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and specialist in Interventional Cardiology at BHCS. “This is a unique opportunity to provide an even higher level of care through angioplasty procedures.”

Designated as a Level 1 Heart Program by the Agency for Healthcare Administration, the new cath lab was termed a “milestone” by hospital CEO Jared Smith, one that “increases our ability to provide a high level of care and uphold our recognition (per Our City Magazine) as the area’s best hospital and Emergency Department.”

Gary Lai, D.O., and chief of Emergency Medicine says the addition of the STEMI heart program makes it possible for EMS to pre-alert the ER and send electrocardiograms prior to a patient’s arrival. “We can prepare immediately to stabilize, medicate, and expedite patients to the in-house cath lab,” he said. “This saves lives and maximizes outcomes.”

The new catheterization lab allows BHCS specialists to perform invasive cardiac procedures and utilize advanced imaging for diagnoses by using contrast dye to determine the severity of the arterial blockage. Once identified, a balloon angioplasty is performed, or a stent is inserted to clear the artery and save as much of the heart muscle as possible. Pacemakers and defibrillator implant procedures are also performed.

Generally speaking, the last 20 years has seen a rapid transformation of new techniques focusing on minimally invasive procedures, rapid care, and shorter hospital stays, according to Dr. Osman. “Although open heart surgery is certainly an option, the major shift has been toward less invasive, less traumatic procedures that obtain excellent results.” People with severe heart valve problems always required open heart surgery. A significant number are now treated with stents to reduce the risk of a major heart event.

Surgical progress in cardiology can be defi ned by an alphabet soup of acronyms: SAVR (Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement); CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft); BAG (Bilateral Arterial Grafting); PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention); TAVR (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement); EVAR (Endovascular Abdominal Aneurysm Repair): and ICD (Implantable Cardioverter Defi brillator). The term Electrophysiology refers to leadless pacemakers and remote monitoring devices. “Because of these techniques, patients spend less time in the hospital, recover faster, and there’s less trauma to the body,” said Dr. Osman. “An aortic valve replacement once required open heart surgery, but now the TAVR procedure accomplishes the same goal by inserting a transcatheter through a small incision in the groin.”

Surgical complications 

Any medical procedure has the potential for complications such as excessive bleeding, stroke, and even death, but the key is how often complications occur as a result of surgery. “Both minor and major complications are possible, but keep in mind that no patient is the same,” said Dr. Osman. “If a younger patient requires open heart surgery the only problem is the heart and nothing else, so the focus is isolated, but older patients—especially those with underlying conditions such as diabetes, kidney problems, or a previous stroke, are in a high- risk category for complications,” the specialist said.

To show that one size doesn’t fit all, Dr. Osman uses the example of two patients with the same high percentage of blockage that would be treated differently. “The one who is asymptomatic can be treated with medications and dietary changes, while the other who has difficulty breathing and may have underlying medical conditions is a prime candidate for a stent.” He reminds us that everyone is different, and each patient requires a different mode of treatment depending on general health and underlying conditions. “The key is a full evaluation to create a treatment plan with the best benefit.”

Dr. Osman refers to the doctor-patient relationship as “the art of medicine.” The unique relationship includes listening, evaluating, diagnosing, and treating. “At the end of the day when pieces of the ‘puzzle’ come together it’s the collaboration between the surgeon and interventional cardiologist that makes it happen,” he said. He recently saw a patient with a 90-percent blockage of the artery. CABG open heart surgery was performed, and the person is expected to make a full recovery. Choosing the right therapy is the goal.

The COVID consequence

When COVID’s first wave peaked in March 2020, it impacted cardiology services.

With a focus on caring for acute COVID patients, the shift was away from elective cardiac procedures. “Many patients feared coming to the hospital out of fear of COVID and that posed a huge problem,” said Dr. Osman. “In cardiology, time is a big factor and the longer treatment is delayed the worse a condition can become.” He cited a patient who suffered a heart attack yet remained at home for two days. They were able to save his life, but the heart muscle was significantly damaged and he’s now living with a very weak heart muscle. “Things like this are still happening but not to such a high degree. Remember that the margin of error is much less with age,” he said.

The medical facility keeps a log on how long it takes after arrival in the ER to when a clogged artery is opened in the cath lab. According to Dr. Osman the best time to date has been 23 minutes.

Ultrasound new path to great facials

Electric toothbrushes use motors to move the bristles rapidly usually between a few thousand times a minute to approximately 10,000 to 12,000 times per minute ( 1 Hertz (Hz) is 1 movement or cycle per second). This high frequency works well for dentists as it is anti-bacterial and helps remove plaque. For cleaning your face, however, that’s too high. You’re looking for a gentle pressure cleaning that still has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Machines, like Aesthetic Science’s Epiwave® UltraSonic Machine, that use lower ultrasonic frequencies (20kHz and up) attain the cleansing and exfoliation that also prepares the skin for the facial treatment ahead.

Our skin is our largest organ. It has three general layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous fat (or lipid) layer. Each of these layers breaks down into sublayers. Skincare is mostly focused on the epidermis which breaks down into five different sublayers. The top layer, the stratum corneum, is where the dead skin cells collect and need to be cleaned and exfoliated (removed).

Unfortunately for us in the Sunshine State, the sun is the biggest cause of skin damage. Premature aging, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation (dark spots and uneven skin tone), and skin cancer are all aggravated by prolonged sun exposure. What’s worse is that many skin treatments, when done too frequently to the skin, especially sensitive or sun-damaged skin, can add to the damage instead of merely leaving a clean slate. Microdermabrasion, peels, dermaplaning, and others all remove layers of the epidermis, which can be good when done in moderation.

Many facials are done by hand, however, some steps can be performed by machines. In the case of the Epiwave®, it is a three-step process that starts by gently deep pore cleaning and exfoliating without irritation using low-frequency ultrasound. The modality, or function, of the machine can then be switched to the infusion (or sonophoresis) step using the treatment and/ or serum so that any molecules that are too large and require a pathway through the lipid portions of the stratum corneum, can be transferred using ultrasonic frequencies. It is this low- frequency ultrasound (again just above 20 kHz) that enables dissolved gases in the lipid regions between skin cells to bubble up and start to move, creating pathways. This is how to get the antioxidants, nutrients, and hydrating products that do the most help to the cells where they are needed while doing the least, or no damage, to the upper layers. I call that a win- win. The third step heals the cells by using a low-level current in the Hz range to restore the natural electrical potential of the cell membrane. You finish off the facial the same as before, “sealing the deal” with moisturizer and sunscreen.

Everyone ages, and without proper protection, the more sun your face is exposed to, the more your skin ages. There are many machines and products available in salons and spas, and for home use, that can help protect against and slow down the aging process. Ultrasonic machines are just one, but they are effective and do not cause any additional damage. Ask your esthetician/skincare specialist about this technology and see how it works for yourself!

Breast cancer statistics on the rise — among men

It was a normal day for Mike Weatherly– that was until he noticed that an abnormally long hair on his chest needed trimming. It was on the areola that surrounds the nipple, and when he began to trim, he noticed a dark spot the size of a pencil eraser.

But, like most men, the Parkland resident procrastinated, thinking it was a pimple that would go away in time. But after a few weeks, it remained and that’s when he sought the counsel of a neighbor who happened to be an emergency room doctor.

“He didn’t like what he saw and told me I should get it biopsied,” said Weatherly.

“In October, the results came back as a positive grade 3 tumor and I was told I had breast cancer.”

If 100 breast cancers are diagnosed, only one will be found in a man. This year, however, it’s estimated that approximately 2,600 new cases will be diagnosed.

The 71-year-old former pilot for American Airlines, who has always been physically fit, had suddenly become a statistic. Yet, he never asked why me? “As humans, there’s a certain amount of vulnerability and things are going to happen,” he said.

“I also have rheumatoid arthritis, which is rare among men, so I’ve learned how to cope and never allowed myself to become depressed.”

When a tumor is sent to a lab for analysis, its grade is based on aggressiveness and invasiveness. Weatherly’s came back as grade 3, but luckily his cancer was localized and did not spread to surrounding lymph nodes.

If cancer cells had spread to the lymph node, they could have already traveled to the lymph system and spread to other parts of the body.

Weatherly’s cancerous tissue—and his nipple—were removed by a general surgeon on an outpatient basis, and now his ongoing care is in the hands of an oncologist.

“My treatment plan began in December and for the foreseeable future I’ll be seeing the specialist every six months,” he said. “I’ve been told it was a hormone- responsive tumor so in all likelihood I won’t require chemotherapy.”

Weatherly, a self-described “health nut” has been retired for 12 years. He was a track athlete at Southwest Missouri State College, and even into his late 30s participated in triathlons.

He continues to eat nutritional foods, works out on a stationary bike, and lifts weights at home. “Running track pushes a person to the limits, both physically and mentally,” he said. “I guess that’s where I learned the discipline about keeping the going into surgery, the better shape you’ll be in coming out and the quicker you’ll recover.”

Most male breast cancers are discovered in men over 50, where there is a history of breast cancer in the family, and the BRAC1 and BRAC2 (breast cancer susceptibility genes) are present.

Plus, if a man has had previous chest radiation therapy, he could be prone. Estrogen, which is used to treat prostate cancer, also increases the chances of male breast cancer. Injured testicles, liver disease, and obesity are also contributing to underlying factors.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one of the most common types of breast cancer in men is invasive ductal carcinoma. This is where cells grow outside the ducts into other parts of the breast tissue with the possibility of spreading to other parts of the body.

Men who inherit abnormal mutated genes are in a high-risk category, as the mutation may lead to either breast cancer or prostate cancer.

In Weatherly’s case, there was no family history of breast cancer or cancer in general. “I have to admit it was a shock and I never thought something like this would happen to me,” he said. “Thank goodness it was caught early enough.”

Since his cancerous tissue was removed, he’s undergone precautionary follow-ups, including a CT scan and PET scan.

“Most men are not diagnosed until it’s too late, so I was very lucky,” he said. “Just think, if that long hair hadn’t needed trimming, I may be telling you a much different story.”

As a fighter pilot on aircraft carriers in the Navy during the Vietnam era,
Weatherly learned how to deal with all kinds of situations, and his advice to men is to always be aware of any changes in their bodies.

“We tend to focus on heart attacks, strokes or whatever, and male breast cancer is an afterthought,” he said. “It’s only an afterthought until it happens to you.”

2021-The year of the vaccine

We’ve closed the book on an unexpected 2020, where so much of our lives were dominated by the pandemic. COVID-19 will still be with us this year, but we hope our lives will slowly recover in 2021 as vaccines are made available for everyone.

Creating a new vaccine is time-consuming. Unlike the flu vaccine for the H1N1 pandemic in 2009, there is no existing vaccine for coronaviruses to build upon. According to the CDC, COVID-19 vaccines must be developed and tested to ensure they work and are safe. Michal Linial, a professor of biological chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem said “Classical vaccines were designed to take 10 years to develop.” So a new vaccine process is now being used for the early COVID-19 vaccines.

As of December 15th, three vaccines have been submitted for FDA approval. There are two mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines by Pfi zer and Moderna, and one DNA vaccine by Oxford-AstraZeneca. Both of these methods are relatively new, and until COVID-19, no DNA or mRNA vaccines had been approved in the US for human use.

The basic concept these vaccines use is to trick your body into producing proteins that appear to be similar to COVID-19 fragments, which will elicit an immune response from your body’s defense system. This response will protect you from infection from the live virus. This is a new process, compared to vaccines based on live or dead pathogen proteins. The new DNA and mRNA vaccines are non-infectious and can be produced faster and economically.

Both mRNA and DNA vaccines use your body to produce the proteins, using the instructions stored in either mRNA or DNA format. DNA instructions are processed inside your body’s cells to produce the proteins designed to emulate fragments from the virus; whereas mRNA is translated into the protein outside of the cell in your body’s intracellular fluid.

Since mRNA does not enter your cell, the chance of your genome being affected is averted. But mRNA is fragile, thus the cold storage requirements for these vaccines: -70 degrees Celsius for Pfi zer, and -20 degrees Celsius for Moderna. The advantage of the DNA vaccine like the Oxford-AstraZeneca version is to reach areas where cold storage is not common.

The minor and moderate side effects reported of these early vaccines are sore arm at the injection site, fever, fatigue, headache, joint pains, and muscle aches. These effects are due to your body ramping up for a virus infection, but because the vaccine is non-infectious, you will not get a case of COVID-19, just the symptoms from your body’s response.

According to Moderna, no one receiving the vaccine in their trials developed a severe case of COVID-19. The reported efficacy rate for these vaccines are in the 90-95% range, which is much higher than your typical flu vaccine.

While the creation and approval of these first sets of vaccines have been completed, the logistics of getting them delivered across the country has just begun. Operation Warp Speed (OWS), is a partnership between the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and the Department of Defense (DoD).

OWS aims to accelerate the development, manufacture, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Their stated distribution objective “is for everyone to be able to easily get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as large quantities are available. Several thousand vaccination providers will be available, including doctors’ offices, retail pharmacies, hospitals, and federally qualified health centers.”

OWS has provided a playbook to state and local jurisdictions on the distribution of the vaccines. In Florida, the Division of Emergency Management (FDEM), an agency headed by Director Jared Moskowitz, a Parkland local, is responsible for the distribution of vaccines across the state. “We went out and bought dry ice machines,” said Director Moskowitz. “We got the ultra-cold freezers that we need. We feel that we’re in a good position.

Gov. Ron DeSantis said the state has been planning since early summer on how best to distribute the vaccines, with initial distribution planned at five Florida hospitals (including Memorial Healthcare System in Broward), and eventually expanding to look like state testing sites. “It may even be the same sites we have now,” Moskowitz said. “Giving out the vaccine in a mass distribution — call it spring, late spring, early summer.”

So we say good riddance to 2020. There is much hope life will start returning to normal as more folks are vaccinated in 2021. As of Dec 15th, 2020, a new hope is slowly arriving in the form of vaccines, and state officials work through the prioritization process. The logistics of successfully implementing a smooth mass vaccination is immense, and we all need to follow the recommendations so we can get back to the OLD normal as quickly as possible.

Welcome to 2021, the year of the vaccine.

Waist watching? Add soup, whole grains, citrus

As we start the New Year, I’ve had a ton of questions from my clients who are focused on giving a jump-start to their healthy lifestyle goals.

I’ve had questions on the Green cleanse, shapely shakes, citrus cleanse, green tea diet, food lovers cleanse, and more.

My response to those inquiries is consistent with my mantra — “For better health: All things in moderation. There is not one food that is all good or all bad for you.”

Now there are some food choices that can aid you in moving forward on the path to a healthier you.

Take soup for instance. Research published in the Journal Appetite showed that people who started lunch with vegetable soup ended up eating 20 percent less than those who skipped the soup.

The key to adding soup to your meal plan is to choose one that is broth-based, which is low energy density, and provides fewer calories per gram than other foods, and contains low to moderate amounts of sodium.

Soup contributes to a feeling of fullness, so by starting a meal with soup, it can prevent you from overeating.

Whole grain foods are also excellent choices for a healthy lifestyle. They are high in fiber, which can be helpful in weight management and weight loss.

Whole grains have always been around, but the “on-trend” group in the whole grain family falls under the moniker of ancient grains. These are grains such as farro, quinoa, and sorghum.

Farro is often labeled the “mother of all wheat species.” The grain is highly regarded in Italy and fast becoming one of the popular grains on-trend in the USA. Whole grain farro is high in fiber, protein, vitamin B3, and zinc. It is low in gluten.

Quinoa is technically a gluten-free seed. In cooking, however, it is used as a grain. It is high in protein, iron, and fiber.

Sorghum is a substitute for wheat, is gluten-free and also high in protein, iron, and fiber as well as a rich source of antioxidants.

Citrus fruits are also good options to include as you make steps to improve your well-being. These fruits have high fiber, high water content, and fewer calories per gram. These attributes will give you a greater feeling of fullness, helping to suppress your appetite.

Research indicates that eating a half grapefruit before meals can promote weight loss. In addition to waist-trimming qualities, grapefruit contains immune-boosting vitamins A and C, and antioxidants.

However, if you are taking prescription medication, make sure you check with your health care professional before making grapefruit part of your daily meal plan.

Take Away: You can enjoy a variety of foods eaten in moderation. Add
30 minutes of physical activity and you’ll have a head start toward your goals.