As the summer comes to a close and school is beginning, it’s time to get your kids’ closet in order, organize their supplies, and make that after school routine seamless.
Here are a few helpful tips:
- Keep a basket in your child’s closet for items of clothing that no longer fit. Collect these items for a younger sibling or mark them for donation.
- Use large, clear storage bins with locks to store clothing that needs to be put away. Always label your bins according to the type of clothing and size. The more specific you can be, the better.
- Keep your mornings simple and organized by creating a smooth routine and prepping your child’s closet before the start of the school week:
- Designate a shelf, drawer, or section of the closet just for school clothing.
- The night before, have your child pick out what they would like to wear for school and avoid a time crunch in the morning.
- I don’t know about you, but I love office supply stores! I couldn’t wait to go to the store every August and buy school supplies for my kiddos! Consider checking for supplies you may have from the previous school year and wait to
buy additional supplies until you have a list of necessary items in hand. Ultimately, you’ll end up buying fewer supplies and save yourself some time and money.
- Strongly consider creating a COVID safety bag and purchasing essential items such as hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, latex gloves, and masks for your child if they are returning to the classroom.
- Create a “command center” to store your child’s important papers, i.e. homework, chore list, and activity schedule, to keep them organized and easily accessible.
- Establish a set routine for what you expect your child to do when they finish their schoolwork. This will help them to prioritize and to learn what needs to be completed, and when they can enjoy some free time.
By Lisa Haubenstock
Lisa Haubenstock is a Professional Organizer and owner of LisaTheOrganizer,
LLC. serving Broward, Miami-Dade, & Palm Beach counties. She is a member
of NAPO and serves on the board of the South Florida chapter. She holds
certificates in household management and residential organizing.