Ask Dr. Renae: Worried about the cost of the COVID school gap

Dear Dr. Renae,

I hear some teachers commenting on this school year being a lost year and all the students winding up a year behind. I am aware that I didn’t learn as much as I would have since online was not as good as in person for some subjects. I worry about being prepared for college entrance exams and college coursework. I am even more worried about my younger sister who is struggling to learn how to read. I notice how frustrated the teachers are as well. Many of my peers are upset about missing out on social activities but I am thinking about my future. Am I weird for worrying about my education?

Unprepared High School Junior

Dear Unprepared High School Junior,

It is completely normal to be worried about your education! Education is a major cornerstone in our lives, so I understand where you are coming from. It helps to remem-ber that every person in the world is facing the same issue that is happening to you, and so I believe people will be more mindful and understanding of the circumstances you have come from. You could not control the cards you were dealt, and educators know that. It is my belief that they will have to be accommodating to any issues that may arise from online education, if they would want to dutifully fulfill their jobs. Hopefully, I assuaged some of your fears, and I wish you the best of luck in your academic journey.

Your Fellow Teen

Dear Unprepared High School Junior,

It’s completely understandable being concerned about your academics. Commendable, even. Whilst students have been heavily affected by this pandemic, it’s important to re-main optimistic. Junior year is a crucial time for prospective university students but with everything going on, universities might be lenient with requirements. Now is also a fantastic time to build your student resumé. If you haven’t already decided on a university, now is the perfect time to take a look and reach out to universities. This is the fun part! As far as preparation goes, there’s plenty of practice SAT samplequestions available online as well as books to read. It’s important to be studious but not too hard on yourself. Stay safe!

A Caring Friend

Dear Unprepared Junior,

You are not weird for worrying about your education at all. From reading your submission, I can tell you care about your education which is really important. Since I’m not in college just yet, I asked my 25-year-old sister for some advice I could give you. The best thing she told me was from her college experience, as long as you keep up your studying, work ethic and motivation, you will be fi ne. To tell you the truth, she told me that high school did not prepare her for college; college prepared her for college. Stressing right now over something you don’t know will happen will drive you crazy! It’s best to start good habits during online school that you can later use in college. I hope this helps!

Your Friend

Dear Unprepared Junior,

It is true that most students did not learn as much academic curriculum as they would have if school was in person as usual. The timing and speed at which learning takes place, however, is not indicative of future happiness and success. Many professionals took an unexpected alternative path and timeline in preparing for their career which helped better lead them toward  success. Struggling with the lifestyle changes required during the pandemic has given you an opportunity to learn much more than academics. Conquering boredom and anxiety, along with navigating a new daily structure has taught you flexibility, creativity, and perseverance. Those skills help you to be significantly prepared for college as well as your future. Take pride in the personal growth you have experienced in order to acquire more confidence in your ability to adapt to the future.

Dr. Renae


TEENS: Curious as to what other teens would say? If you have a question or problem you would like to present to other teens, please email: and include your age, grade, and gender you identify with. All questions are published anonymously and your identity and contact information will be kept confidential.

PARENTS OF TEENS: Would you like to anonymously and confidentially ask the panel of teen Peer Counseling Writers to comment on a parenting issue you are struggling with? If you are ready for a variety of honest opinions from real teens, please address your questions to

Dr. Renae Lapin, a licensed marriage and family therapist with 40 years experience, currently maintains a private practice in Boca Raton, Florida.

For more information about Dr. Renae and her practice, visit her website:



Happy New Year to all our residents and local businesses! As we put what was an unprecedented year behind us, it is important for us to focus on the future and what the promise of a new year can bring to the City of Coral Springs.

As we start the year, we encourage you to be optimistic, embrace diversity, and work together to ensure our city is the best community to live, work, and raise a family.

We look forward to kicking off strategic planning with city staff. This type of preparation assists us to clearly identify our new initiatives, and creates a path to meeting the needs of our residents and business owners.

The input we receive from our residents, the very people who elected us to hold office, plays a large role in our decision making. Participation in public meetings, sending us an email, connecting with the city on social media, and using the My Coral Springs App are all ways you can offer input and help guide our city’s direction.

As the demolition of One Financial Plaza continues, making way for the development of Cornerstone, we will start to see great improvement of our Downtown area. This revitalization in the heart of Coral Springs, will not only improve revenue, but will also create a true sense of place. In the coming year we look forward to seeing plans for Village Square, the creation of a nature trail at Kiwanis park, and the development of a Surf Park at Sportsplex.

With the distribution of promising vaccines, we are hopeful to see the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our city has held a long-standing partnership with the Florida Department of Health, to ensure our city receives vaccines for distribution once they are made available for mass distribution. It is important to stay informed about the potential for this availability by texting the keyword CORALSPRINGS (one word) to 888-777 or visiting our website

We continue to serve as a host city for two free, state-run, public COVID-19 test sites: Mullins Hall, 10150 NW 29th Street, Coral Springs and at the Panthers IceDen, 3299 Sportsplex Drive. For instructions, days, times of operation and closures, follow the city on social media or visit our website.

As we look to 2021 with optimism, we are hopeful that with a vaccine, we can plan for and welcome back exciting events and activities this year! Stay informed about important city updates and events by following us on social media via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Nextdoor. We wish you all a safe and healthy 2021!

Ask Dr. Renae: In with the new and out with the old

This month’s Ask Dr. Renae column surveys local teens to provide a flavor of how they are welcoming the new year 2021. See for yourself how our future generation has fared and be inspired by their hopefulness.

Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to being practical. I’ve tried to get into the habit of living a more serendipitous lifestyle and I’ve since made very fond memories and have had experiences that I never would have had otherwise.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep my inventiveness and self-reliance. It’s very important to me to retain these characteristics and continue to blossom into the best version of myself.

In with the new: I will look forward to a new way of life with endless opportunities and a plethora of success.

Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to self-doubt whenever I’m hesitant about sharing my opinion in class or with new people. I also will wave goodbye to fear of rejection in all aspects of life. I’ve learned that it’s okay to be rejected. Some people may not think the same as you do and that’s okay.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep the few amazing high school memories with my best friends when I begin to enter a new chapter of my life and attend college. Those memories of jamming out to music in the car or staying out a little too late that I have to speed (not by much) home to make curfew will always make me smile.

In with the new: I will look forward to exciting new adventures that I will experience when I go to college next year and begin setting personal goals in academics, health, and hobbies.


Out with the old: As we approach the new year I want to reflect on my current year. I will be waving goodbye to my messy habits and unclean room.

But don’t lose everything: I will definitely be keeping close contact with all my friends and continue our zoom slumber parties.

In with the new: I am looking forward to finishing high school and starting the next phase of my life in college. 2020 was a rough year, but I will try my best to have a more positive 2021.


Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to fearing what others might think of me. Often, I try to be the most perfect person when trying to meet new people or even just around some of my close friends. This past year I learned that it’s important to own who you are and what makes you.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep hanging out with my family, my friends, and my dog, who is my entire world. COVID has really brought me closer with my brothers, since they are out of college and staying home for the meantime. I also have such a special place in my heart for my friends and my dog who I love very much.

In with the new: I will look forward to planning for the future. I am a junior in high school and am going to start looking into the college process soon. I have my heart set on going into the entertainment industry and can’t wait to get started. I am so hopeful for my future and can’t wait for the day that I am living in New York City!


Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to negative feelings that I have about myself.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep my friends and all of the happy memories I have with them.

In with the new: I look forward to all the amazing things I want to do with my life, especially going to college to get my degree in engineering and to make some more friends while I’m there.

TEENS: Curious as to what other teens would say? If you have a question or problem you would like to present to other teens, please email: and include your age, grade, and gender you identify with. All questions are published anonymously and your identity and contact information will be kept confidential.

PARENTS OF TEENS: Would you like to anonymously and confidentially ask the panel of teen Peer Counseling Writers to comment on a parenting issue you are struggling with? If you are ready for a variety of honest opinions from real teens, please address your questions to

Dr. Renae Lapin, a licensed marriage and family therapist with 40 years experience, currently maintains a private practice in Boca Raton, Florida. For more information about Dr. Renae and her practice, visit her website:

Coding school comes to Coral Springs

“Learn to code. Change the world.”

That’s the motto of theCoderSchool coming to Coral Springs. The school at 10633 Wiles Road is owned and operated by Aditi and Rajiv Ralhan.

The duo will be bringing nearly two decades of technology experience to the school, both having extensive backgrounds in computer science and software development.

Both Aditi and Rajiv moved to South Florida from India. Rajiv came to the United States in 2002 to complete his Masters in computer science at Florida Atlantic University.

Aditi came to Florida to be with her husband in 2007, completing her MBA at Florida Atlantic University.

“We are excited to open our fi rst CoderSchool in Coral Springs,” said Aditi. “Learning how to code gives children the upper hand in their future.” The school accepts students ages 7 to 18. Classes are virtual now but the facility is expected to open by the end of the year.

Visit for more information.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ralhan’s emphasize the importance of keeping kids engaged and learning as parents continue to adjust to virtual learning.

“Our school will allow children to work with our code coaches directly, feel accomplished and proud of their work, and the best part is that they will be learning skills that will help them for their future potential careers,” said Aditi.

Founded in 2014 by Hansel Lynn and franchised in 2016, theCoderSchool was built to provide children aged 7 to 18 with a welcoming environment to develop computer programming skills.

theCoderSchool uses a variety of platforms to teach various coding languages, such as HTML, CSS, Python, JavaScript and more. Every lesson is customized with the help of trained Code Coaches® who use a 2-on-1 approach to teaching.

“As we continue to expand our presence throughout the country, it’s critical to find the right franchise partners, like Aditi and Rajiv, who truly know the importance of coding,” added Lynn. “We are excited the Coral Springs location will be opening virtually and in the future expand their options to in-person learning.”

The school has over 45 locations in over 15 states. For more information, visit


Dear Dr. Renae,

COVID-19 has had an impact on my personal training schedule and my college plans. My passion has always been the team sport I have dedicated large portions of my life to and I was hoping to continue to play on a team in college. As an athlete, the change in my training schedule and future planning has been overwhelming and confusing. If I do not get a sports scholarship to college, I need to reconsider my options. All athletes need a backup plan and I have been a good student with a competitive GPA so I can still get into a good college. I just don’t know how to focus my life on a different college experience since team sports will likely change.

Worried Junior, Rising Senior


Dear Worried Junior, Rising Senior,

I suggest that you sit down and create a Pros and Cons
list or a chart with your family or people who you are close with. By doing so, you will be able to figure out viable options for your future whether that includes getting a sports scholarship or not. Since times are very uncertain right now, it is likely that colleges and universities will be more lenient next year when it comes to admissions and scholarships. As long as you keep up a good GPA, you will be able to ensure a good place at a university whether or not your sport is in the picture. I wish you the best of luck!

A Caring Friend


Dear Worried Junior, Rising Senior,

This uncertain time with the coronavirus has caught a lot of the world off guard and has created such a dramatic shift in all of our lives. It’s ok to be uncertain about what the future holds, as I’m sure many are in the same position as you are right now. Even with all of the uncertainty, I would not give up your dreams. Of course, it is important to always have a back-up plan for college, but if you wish to play team sports in college and go on a sports scholarship, I would say to keep striving for that goal. You never know, in one year a lot can change and the circumstances may be entirely different. As someone who has been through the college admissions process, my advice is to continue to work hard and you will end up exactly where you are supposed to be!

An Understanding Friend


Dear Worried Junior, Rising Senior,

The current response to the pandemic has resulted in almost every person needing to reconsider how aspects of their future will unfold. As an athlete, you have been accustomed to relying on your ability to make highly successful split-second decisions on changing your course of action on the field. This inherent and learned resilience will serve you in realigning your future plans. Think about the decision-making process you automatically go through on the field and slow it down, step by step, to evaluate options for your future. The alternative opportunities you have are endless. You’ve got this!

Dr. Renae


ASK DR. RENAE is currently recruiting high school students interested in volunteering to be a Peer Counseling Writer for the Parklander’s ASK DR. RENAE teen to teen advice column. Please email Dr. Renae at to request an application for this exciting opportunity!

PARENTS OF TEENS: Would you like to anonymously and confidentially ask the panel of teen Peer Counseling Writers to comment on a parenting issue you are struggling with? If you are ready for a variety of honest opinions from real teens, please address your questions to

Dr. Renae Lapin, a licensed marriage and family therapist with 40 years experience currently maintains a private practice in Boca Raton, Florida. For more information about Dr. Renae and her practice, visit her website: