Hindu Heritage Month

In 2003, the Florida House of Representatives designated February as Hindu Heritage Month to honor the Hindu residents of the state that add to its diversity and help better the state by promoting their cultures and traditions, spreading knowledge and culture. The month was selected more due to the fact that many Hindus worship Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, and learning, in February.

The Hindu culture is both diverse and rich as Hinduism dates back to the Indus Valley over 4,000 years ago, making it the oldest religion in the world. Hindu Heritage Month gives people an opportunity to learn about and appreciate the Hindu culture. The South Florida Hindu Temple in Southwest Ranches in conjunction with other organizations holds events for the public to learn about myths and misconceptions about the Hindu culture, but also to experience the rich culture. However, temples are not the only place to learn about Hindu heritage, as there are programs, classes, and monuments everywhere.

In Davie, you can find Mahatma Gandhi Square, which features a seven-foot tall bronze statue of the man who helped gain India’s independence. Not only is he known for helping with independence, but Hindus focus more on how he accomplished the goal through nonviolence. Hindus practice ahimsa, non-violence, which Gandhi exemplified in a time of great conflict and struggle.

Throughout South Florida, many cultural programs can be found as well. Bharatnatyam, the oldest classical dance in India, serves as a way for many Hindus to express their devotion to god and to tell
stories of their culture through a beautiful dance form. Kathak
dances originated in North India and are known for their storytelling through rhythmic foot movements. There are many traditional music and dance programs that are offered to the public through the Broward arts council that offer a way to learn about this rich aspect of Hindu heritage.

Besides giving the community a chance to learn about another religion and culture, Hindu Heritage Month is an opportunity for Hindus to celebrate and appreciate their heritage in a society that is continuing to move away from traditions as popular culture grows in influence. February gives Hindus a chance to strengthen their ties to their heritage and culture. Fully immersing themselves in Hindu  traditions and celebrations may help them come to accept themselves and their lifestyle. Normally February holds activities like cultural programs, day of service activities, and a time for reflection and learning. I hope that everyone uses this month to learn and appreciate the lives of others and themselves as this diversity is what makes society better for everyone, giving all the opportunity to learn about the world and everyone that inhabits it.

Ask Dr. Renae: In with the new and out with the old

This month’s Ask Dr. Renae column surveys local teens to provide a flavor of how they are welcoming the new year 2021. See for yourself how our future generation has fared and be inspired by their hopefulness.

Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to being practical. I’ve tried to get into the habit of living a more serendipitous lifestyle and I’ve since made very fond memories and have had experiences that I never would have had otherwise.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep my inventiveness and self-reliance. It’s very important to me to retain these characteristics and continue to blossom into the best version of myself.

In with the new: I will look forward to a new way of life with endless opportunities and a plethora of success.

Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to self-doubt whenever I’m hesitant about sharing my opinion in class or with new people. I also will wave goodbye to fear of rejection in all aspects of life. I’ve learned that it’s okay to be rejected. Some people may not think the same as you do and that’s okay.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep the few amazing high school memories with my best friends when I begin to enter a new chapter of my life and attend college. Those memories of jamming out to music in the car or staying out a little too late that I have to speed (not by much) home to make curfew will always make me smile.

In with the new: I will look forward to exciting new adventures that I will experience when I go to college next year and begin setting personal goals in academics, health, and hobbies.


Out with the old: As we approach the new year I want to reflect on my current year. I will be waving goodbye to my messy habits and unclean room.

But don’t lose everything: I will definitely be keeping close contact with all my friends and continue our zoom slumber parties.

In with the new: I am looking forward to finishing high school and starting the next phase of my life in college. 2020 was a rough year, but I will try my best to have a more positive 2021.


Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to fearing what others might think of me. Often, I try to be the most perfect person when trying to meet new people or even just around some of my close friends. This past year I learned that it’s important to own who you are and what makes you.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep hanging out with my family, my friends, and my dog, who is my entire world. COVID has really brought me closer with my brothers, since they are out of college and staying home for the meantime. I also have such a special place in my heart for my friends and my dog who I love very much.

In with the new: I will look forward to planning for the future. I am a junior in high school and am going to start looking into the college process soon. I have my heart set on going into the entertainment industry and can’t wait to get started. I am so hopeful for my future and can’t wait for the day that I am living in New York City!


Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to negative feelings that I have about myself.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep my friends and all of the happy memories I have with them.

In with the new: I look forward to all the amazing things I want to do with my life, especially going to college to get my degree in engineering and to make some more friends while I’m there.

TEENS: Curious as to what other teens would say? If you have a question or problem you would like to present to other teens, please email: askdrrenae@att.net and include your age, grade, and gender you identify with. All questions are published anonymously and your identity and contact information will be kept confidential.

PARENTS OF TEENS: Would you like to anonymously and confidentially ask the panel of teen Peer Counseling Writers to comment on a parenting issue you are struggling with? If you are ready for a variety of honest opinions from real teens, please address your questions to askdrrenae@att.net.

Dr. Renae Lapin, a licensed marriage and family therapist with 40 years experience, currently maintains a private practice in Boca Raton, Florida. For more information about Dr. Renae and her practice, visit her website: https://askdrrenae.com

Coping with COVID over the holidays

With COVID still raging, what has been called “the most wonderful time of the year” might not seem quite so wonderful this holiday season.

In fact, for some, it might feel downright depressing.

But there are steps we can take to adapt during these unique times to make the holidays and the new year as happy and fulfilling as possible.

“Accept that things are going to look a little diff erent this year,” says Dr. Amy Bravo, PsyD, a psychologist in private practice in Weston.

“There may be parts of this holiday season that are not our preferred ways of doing things, that are disappointing or upsetting. We have to allow ourselves to accept that and to feel that,” she advises.

Decide what social interactions and parameters you are comfortable with given COVID, and set those boundaries.

Are you okay with in-person get-togethers? Indoors or outdoors?
What size group? Will you be socially distanced?

Have the others who will be in attendance been quarantining? Will people be wearing masks? Where have the other attendees traveled from and what was their mode of transportation?

Will attendees have recently taken a COVID test? Do you have family members who might be more vulnerable to COVID?

These are some of the considerations to think about as you set boundaries that you are comfortable with and that make you feel safe.

Inevitably, not everyone is going to agree with your boundaries, but they should be respectful of yours and vice versa.

“What families want to be careful and mindful about is judgment of other peoples’ difference of opinion,” says Dr. Bravo.

“Accept that not every member of your family or your circle of friends is going to see things the same way.”

Understandably, it can be difficult and hurtful to disappoint friends and relatives when your COVID boundaries and theirs conflict and you or they feel the need to decline an invitation.

If you are the one declining the invitation, assure them that it’s not personal, (and don’t take it personally if they are unable to accept your invitation).

Convey that you would love to get together but under these circumstances you need to choose what is best for you and makes you feel safe, and that you are really looking forward to a time soon when you can get together again.

Be creative
Once you have accepted that the holidays are different this year and know your boundaries, focus on creative options that will make the holiday special.

Maybe it doesn’t work to get together with out-of-town family, but there are local friends with whom you see eye-to-eye.

Is there a way of incorporating family traditions and get togethers in new ways? Perhaps it’s an outdoor visit or with a smaller group.

Maybe you can get together via Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype, where grandparents can read Christmas stories or light Hanukkah candles with their grandchildren remotely, watch each other open gifts, or eat a meal together but in separate locations.

In other words, while you may be apart from family and friends, you still can be a part of family and friends’ holiday celebrations.

COVID has made this a difficult year, even more so for those who have lost loved ones or suffered and recovered from the virus.

It’s understandable to be sad because your world has shrunk in some ways.

“Through this year, there’s been a lot of downtime. And when there’s a lot of downtime, there’s time to get in your head. And that’s not usually positive,” says Dr. Irene LeBlanc, PhD, LMCH, a mental health counselor with Psychological Associates in Coral Springs and Boca Raton.

But as we look forward to the holidays and the New Year, we can view this COVID-induced downtime as an opportunity for growth.

“We’re social beings, we’re meant to have relationships and interact with people. That keeps morale up and lifts us emotionally. We’re not meant to isolate,” says Dr. LeBlanc.

Dr. Amy Bravo contact info is: amybravopsyd.com, 954-385-8884

Dr. Irene LeBlanc contact info is: Berlinmentalhealth.com, 985-974-8423

SoFlo Gardening: November

What to plant:

Annuals/Bedding plants: Create a display of fall colors with cool-season plants. Some examples include impatiens, strawflower, cape daisy, and pansy.

Bulbs: Many bulbs like to get their start in cool weather. Bulbs to plant this month include amaryllis, crinum, and the many varieties of elephant ear.

Herbs: Continue planting herbs from seeds or plants. A wide variety of herbs like cooler, dryer weather, including cilantro, dill, fennel, parsley, sage, and thyme.

Vegetables: Lots of choices exist for November including beans, broccoli, kale, snow/English peas, and strawberries.

What to do:

Perennials: Divide and replant overgrown perennials and bulbs now so that they establish before the coolest weather arrives.

Lawns: Watch for brown patch and large patch until May. These fungal diseases cause areas of grass to turn brown. Since treatment is difficult, prevention with proper cultural practices is key.

Scale insects: Take advantage of lower temperatures to apply horticultural oil sprays to control scale insects.

Irrigation: Turn off systems and water only if needed. Plants need less supplemental watering in cooler weather.

Poinsettias: Watch for hornworms on poinsettias planted in the landscape. This pest can quickly defoliate a plant. Handpick or treat only the infested area.

Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension

MSD senior spreads sunshine and kindness

Freshman year at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was difficult
for Daniel Tabares, then 17.

It was the year of the worst tragedy in the school’s history when 17 students and staff were murdered and Tabares lost friends.

He was sad and depressed and only when he became involved with the
Parkland March For Our Lives rally on Mar. 24, 2018 as a featured speaker, did he find his calling.

“I may seem serious,” says Tabares. “But once you get to know me, I’m
funny, outgoing, and always kind. Sometimes people have preconceived notions about people who look different, but don’t always trust your first impressions and give people a chance.”

Born with achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder, Tabares is not unfamiliar with the unkindness of strangers.

Achondroplasia is the most common type of dwarfism. It is a genetic
condition that affects about 1 in 15,000 to 1 in 40,000 people.

Emmy-award winner Peter Dinklage, who portrayed Tyrion Lannister on the wildly popular TV series, “Game of Thrones,” has the condition.

“I’ve been through so much,” he says, noting that he’s been called names, been excluded and stared at, not to mention undergone more than 10 surgeries.

“It’s no fun,” he says.

At the rally, Tabares spoke about how he was feeling and says he was quoted on CNN as saying, “Give yourself a hug like there’s no tomorrow.”

His inspirational words had an effect on those around him and boosted his morale and confidence.

From that day on, Tabares was a changed person and no longer depressed.

He had found his voice.

Daniel Tabares

“It’s a crazy world,” he says, “and maybe someone is going through a lot, and a kind word is all they need to get through their day.”

He has taken to sharing his kind words and inspirational messages on his social media and with the residents of Parkland as he rides from one end of Holmberg Rd. to the other on his bike showcasing his inspirational signs.

He counts his dad, Luis, as a role model (and for his good looks) and says he’s inspired by Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Theresa.

“You’re amazing,” proclaims one sign. “Be the change you want to see in the world,” says another, paraphrasing Gandhi. His LinkedIn page states, “Dreams and dedication are a powerful combination.”

Another sign declared not only black lives matter, but Latino, disabled, and LGBTQ lives as well.

He took Gandhi’s message to heart and challenges himself to be the change he wants to see.

Now, in his senior year at MSD and co-president of the Student Board of The Friendship Journey and Ambassador of Wings of Friendship, Tabares hopes to be a speech- language pathologist or a motivational speaker, and his dream since second grade is to attend the University of Florida.

This summer he was a lead counselor and student ambassador in an 8-week virtual camp for people with disabilities and was inspired by the students’ empathy for others.

The camp, sponsored by Dylan’s Wings of Change (DWC), is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the memory of Dylan Hockley, a student killed in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 along with 19 other first-graders and six teachers.

They partnered with the locally-based The Friendship Journey, with its mission to educate, empower, and include individuals across all cognitive and physical abilities.

Tabares said coming to the camp allows participants to be fully themselves and share their true colors with others.

“I’m thankful for that,” he says.

After the Parkland shootings, Tabares was invited to Pittsburgh to receive the first Loving Kindness Award from the Pittsburgh JCC’s Center for Loving Kindness, where 11 people lost their lives and six were wounded in a mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Oct. 2018.

Rabbi Ron Symons, the director of Pittsburgh JCC’s Center for Loving Kindness, says Tabares was selected for the award “because he exudes kindness in every way.”

“When we met him after the shootings in Parkland and Pittsburgh, we met a person with a depth of optimism and soul that few adults have,” Symons says. “No matter what he does throughout his life, I am confident that my friend and teacher, Danny Tabares, will inspire thousands.”