Happy Passover holiday ‘Chag Pesach Sameach’

Let all who are hungry come and eat ~ Kal dichfin yeitei v’yeichul.

This phrase, found in the Passover Haggadah, follows the teaching about matzah, the bread of affliction. It is one of many important symbols found on a Passover Seder table – all edible reminders of how the story is retold of the Israelites journey from slavery to freedom. The Passover holiday is one of the major Jewish festivals that occur yearly each spring. Beginning on the 15th of the Hebrew month Nisan, it lasts for seven days for Israeli or Reform Jews, or eight days if you are an Orthodox or Conservative Jew living outside of Israel.

We learn about the passage from slavery to freedom, led by Moses, in the Book of Exodus in the Bible. Moses beseeches Pharaoh, “Let my people go!” Pharaoh repeatedly denies his request and God intervenes, sending ten plagues to torment the Egyptians. From blood, frogs, insects, wild  animals , livestock disease, boils, fiery hail, locusts, darkness, to eventually the death of male first-born Egyptian children. This final plague motivates Pharaoh to release the Israelites. However, when they were alerted that they could depart, they rushed, which did not give them enough time to allow their bread dough to rise. As a result, the Israelites created Matzah, a flat cracker, which is eaten throughout the holiday and is one of the most recognizable symbols of Passover.

While most Jews celebrate holidays in community, this is the perfect  pandemic holiday as it is celebrated at home with family. It is also one of the most observed holidays by Jews. A special meal is prepared, called the Seder, and the service preceding the meal is written in a Haggadah. Seder means “order” and Haggadah means “the telling.” Throughout the service and the meal, families retell the story of the Exodus in Egypt. All of the ritual foods are explained, each with a blessing recited before eating them. A Seder plate often sits in the center of the table with six symbolic foods:

  • Maror, the bitter herbs, to remind us of the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.
  • Charoset, a sweet mixture of chopped apples, nuts, cinnamon, and sweet red wine, represents the brick and mortar used by the Hebrew slaves to build Pharaohs’ pyramids.
  • Karpas, a vegetable, brings hope of spring and renewal as new seedlings begin to sprout. Many families use lettuce or parsley and these are also dipped into saltwater to remind us of the tears shed by the slaves.
  • Zeroah, the shank bone, while not eaten at the meal, is meant to remind us of the Passover sacrifice, when a lamb was offered in the ancient Temple in Jerusalem.
  • Beitzah, the roasted hard-boiled egg, recalls the festival sacrifice. We eat hard-boiled eggs during the meal as they serve as a symbol for mourning when mourners consume an egg after a funeral.
  • Three stacked matzot (plural of matzah) found on the Seder plate serve multiple purposes. The Seder leader breaks the middle matzah, putting aside half to be used as the afikoman, or “dessert.” Many families hide the afikoman and the children are sent to search for it and offer it back to the leader at a price. The Seder cannot continue or finish without the eating of the afikoman.

During the Seder, families also sing joyous melodies such as Dayenu, “it would have been enough,” as we recall all of the miracles God bestowed, and The Four Questions, often asked by the youngest member of the family. This begins with the question: Why is this night different than all other nights? It is actually answered with four statements about the differences such as eating matzah only instead of other breads, eating bitter herbs, dipping them twice in the saltwater, and reclining as if we are royalty when eating (and not slaves).

Wishing those who celebrate a wonderful Passover holiday. As the Seder concludes we say, “Next year in Jerusalem!” but I think we can all agree that we may want to amend it to just say, “Next year with more family and friends” as we all hope the pandemic ends swiftly.

Parkland Mayor Rich Walker

In February we honor Black History all month long. We also honor President’s Day and Valentine’s Day. Sadly, in our community this will also be a reminder of the horrific tragedy that took place. On Sunday, February 14, we will commemorate the third anniversary of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in a  ceremony at Pine Trails Park. As we come together to remember those we lost, it is yet another example of Parkland families and the larger community uniting when it matters most.

We have seen many examples of this in recent years in an attempt to effect positive change. And, of course, our community is forever grateful for the strength that our families continue to demonstrate as they work toward safer schools and safer communities—not just here, but nationwide.

Mental wellness continues to be a vital focal point for our residents as we all continue to work through everything we have endured. We have many partners locally who can assist such as Broward  Children’s Bereavement Center, and Eagles’ Haven.

Visit cityofparkland.org/MentalWellness for more resources and let’s continue to take care of one another. We cannot afford to overlook the greatest resource we have—one another.

Something about him was familiar

Best Christmas story or nightmare. You choose.

One day I had a new client come in with a 7-year-old Bernese mountain dog. Chewy presented with a lack of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting. When the clients came in, I immediately recognized their dog. He had an unusual white stripe on the forehead. The puppy I remembered had the same color pattern and white stripe as Chewy. So, I asked my technician to leave the room and look up Bernese mountain dogs that I have seen over the past 7 years.

I asked another technician to come in to help me perform the physical examination on Chewy. Chewy was clinically dehydrated, his abdomen was tense, the fur on his face smelled like vomit, and his rear end had remnants of diarrhea still on the fur. I told the clients that we would need to start with some blood work and x-rays, and my technicians recruited some help to pick up this 135-pound beast onto the x-ray table. I went back into the exam room and started to talk about the other Bernese mountain dog with similar markings.

Looking back, it was about 7 years ago when a young couple bought a puppy from a breeder. It was in December and the young couple went away for Christmas and left the puppy with their friend and my client. They didn’t leave a cage or toys and the young woman who took care of the puppy left him in a spare bedroom where the puppy did tremendous damage.

One day the puppy got out of the bedroom and destroyed their Christmas tree. He knocked it over, ripped open presents, chewed up ornaments, and ate the stockings. I remember informing the young woman when she brought him in that I was going to have to perform surgery to retrieve all the things that he ate. It ended up being a problem because we couldn’t communicate with the owners based on their travel, but the surgery was an emergency. I ended up performing the surgery which went without complications. The friend ended up paying for the surgery and I found out later that the whole ordeal ended their friendship.

My technician who was doing the deep dive into the research came in and told me that my instincts were correct and it was the same dog. His name was John. When the new owners found out that his name was John they asked if the original owner’s name was Hortensia. It was.

Same dog, similar situation. I ended up telling the new owner my history with John. They adopted John about a year ago, hated the name and call him Chewy because he always has something in this mouth.

My technicians came back in with Chewy and we put the radiographs on the examination computer and we could see the problem right away. Chewy had  about 9 pacifiers in his stomach. I asked the owners if they have a child and they did. Each parent thought it was the other one that got rid of the pacifiers, but it was Chewy. I told them that Chewy needed surgery. The fact that there are 9 pacifiers means that they are not passing. I thought it was fortunate for them that when they adopted John the previous owners transferred the insurance to them, and they never canceled it. And I told them that they never will. Best holiday news ever. Love, Chewy.

Parkland Mayor Rich Walker

As we turn the calendar page on another year, one thing that we
can all agree on is that 2020 was indeed memorable in an unprecedented manner.

Adversity unveils a myriad of character traits, one of which remains constant within our community: Resiliency.

This current global pandemic has exemplified the continuous strength and neighborly unification that we should pride ourselves on. In Parkland, we truly embrace and care for one another. I have witnessed it first hand — neighbors helping others via food collections, blood drives, backpack, holiday events, and many unique volunteer efforts.

We have postponed and canceled events when our hearts were set upon them, as this was best for our community.

Activities that we continue to conduct have often been dramatically adjusted to accommodate the unique time in which we are living. It has not been easy, but our community has once again risen to the occasion.

I have lived in Parkland for some time now and this is not necessarily new information to me, but it is always nice to have a reminder of how incredibly special our city is.

Of course, we must stay the course and continue to follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but I am proud of our community for acting responsibly in a time of uncertainty.

So, with the holidays behind us, as we begin anew in 2021, perhaps the task of flipping the calendar page to another year can be as much a symbolic gesture in our lives as it is a monthly habitual task we carry out on the calendars in our homes.

This can be, not just a time of new year’s resolutions, but a time of renewed enthusiasm to continue to act responsibly and do our part to contribute to a return to normalcy.

Fresh produce offers health in seasonal colors

With the arrival of the end of the year holidays, I get the impression that my clients think they have a pass on doing the right thing. Not! I know there is  plethora of tempting edibles at every gathering, at homes, and workplaces.

But one of the best things about this time of year is the colorful and nutrition filled fresh produce. It’s as if Mother Nature selected the season’s bounty to fit right in with the traditional holiday colors of red and green.


Though red radishes are the most popular, they also come in rose, purple, lavender, and white. The popular variety in red and white could easily be considered the Santa Claus vegetable.

With a few swift slits of the paring knife, these orbs become the focal point of a vegetable tray. They look good, and they are good for you. The radish is low in calories, and high in vitamins A and C.

Radishes are a good source of vitamins and minerals. The vegetable’s high water and fiber content aids in digestion and makes it an excellent detoxifier.


This colorful veggie looks like red cabbage with deep red or magenta leaves and white veins. Its flavor is spicy, with a hint of bitterness. It adds a stunning  pop of color to salads, and vegetable trays. You can also spread radicchio’s leaves with hummus, dips, tuna, or shrimp salad instead of crackers. It is a good source of antioxidants, contributing to overall health and wellness. The veggie is also high in fiber, as well as vitamins C and K, which promotes bone health. It contains magnesium which helps build strong bones and teeth, and potassium which plays a positive role in regulating blood pressure.


Red beets are available year-round and can be served roasted, steamed, pickled, or in juice. This vegetable is in the same family as spinach and Swiss  chard. Beets are a good source of heart healthy folate and potassium. They also contain energy producing carbohydrates, antioxidants manganese and vitamin C; they are a good source of digestive-supportive dietary fiber, along with magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.

You can intensify the color of beets by adding lemon juice or vinegar while cooking for a brighter color. Baking soda will cause them to turn a deeper purple. Add salt after cooking, because it can blunt the color.

Red Swiss Chard

This leafy green, also in the vegetable family with beets, is stunning with its magenta stalk and veins surrounded by textured deep green leaves.

Swiss chard is an excellent source of bone-building vitamin K, manganese, and magnesium; it is high in antioxidants vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It contains potassium and iron, is a good source of fiber and B vitamins including folate which is good for a healthy heart. Swiss chard can be included in salads and sandwiches or as a hot vegetable. To maximize the nutrients, quick cooking such as sauté or steaming is best.

Whether seasonal festivities or year ‘round, these “reds” are vegetables to dish about; they are fabulous looking, great of these to your menu and you’ll be one nutrition-savvy hostess/host serving great dishes that are nutrition rich.

Take Away: Festive occasions can be enjoyed without shelving your plan for good health. Make wise choices and try to opt for colorful fruits and vegetables. Plenty of fruits and vegetables will go a long way toward keeping the calories down and nutrition up.

Coping with COVID over the holidays

With COVID still raging, what has been called “the most wonderful time of the year” might not seem quite so wonderful this holiday season.

In fact, for some, it might feel downright depressing.

But there are steps we can take to adapt during these unique times to make the holidays and the new year as happy and fulfilling as possible.

“Accept that things are going to look a little diff erent this year,” says Dr. Amy Bravo, PsyD, a psychologist in private practice in Weston.

“There may be parts of this holiday season that are not our preferred ways of doing things, that are disappointing or upsetting. We have to allow ourselves to accept that and to feel that,” she advises.

Decide what social interactions and parameters you are comfortable with given COVID, and set those boundaries.

Are you okay with in-person get-togethers? Indoors or outdoors?
What size group? Will you be socially distanced?

Have the others who will be in attendance been quarantining? Will people be wearing masks? Where have the other attendees traveled from and what was their mode of transportation?

Will attendees have recently taken a COVID test? Do you have family members who might be more vulnerable to COVID?

These are some of the considerations to think about as you set boundaries that you are comfortable with and that make you feel safe.

Inevitably, not everyone is going to agree with your boundaries, but they should be respectful of yours and vice versa.

“What families want to be careful and mindful about is judgment of other peoples’ difference of opinion,” says Dr. Bravo.

“Accept that not every member of your family or your circle of friends is going to see things the same way.”

Understandably, it can be difficult and hurtful to disappoint friends and relatives when your COVID boundaries and theirs conflict and you or they feel the need to decline an invitation.

If you are the one declining the invitation, assure them that it’s not personal, (and don’t take it personally if they are unable to accept your invitation).

Convey that you would love to get together but under these circumstances you need to choose what is best for you and makes you feel safe, and that you are really looking forward to a time soon when you can get together again.

Be creative
Once you have accepted that the holidays are different this year and know your boundaries, focus on creative options that will make the holiday special.

Maybe it doesn’t work to get together with out-of-town family, but there are local friends with whom you see eye-to-eye.

Is there a way of incorporating family traditions and get togethers in new ways? Perhaps it’s an outdoor visit or with a smaller group.

Maybe you can get together via Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype, where grandparents can read Christmas stories or light Hanukkah candles with their grandchildren remotely, watch each other open gifts, or eat a meal together but in separate locations.

In other words, while you may be apart from family and friends, you still can be a part of family and friends’ holiday celebrations.

COVID has made this a difficult year, even more so for those who have lost loved ones or suffered and recovered from the virus.

It’s understandable to be sad because your world has shrunk in some ways.

“Through this year, there’s been a lot of downtime. And when there’s a lot of downtime, there’s time to get in your head. And that’s not usually positive,” says Dr. Irene LeBlanc, PhD, LMCH, a mental health counselor with Psychological Associates in Coral Springs and Boca Raton.

But as we look forward to the holidays and the New Year, we can view this COVID-induced downtime as an opportunity for growth.

“We’re social beings, we’re meant to have relationships and interact with people. That keeps morale up and lifts us emotionally. We’re not meant to isolate,” says Dr. LeBlanc.

Dr. Amy Bravo contact info is: amybravopsyd.com, 954-385-8884

Dr. Irene LeBlanc contact info is: Berlinmentalhealth.com, 985-974-8423