Ask Dr. Renae: In with the new and out with the old

This month’s Ask Dr. Renae column surveys local teens to provide a flavor of how they are welcoming the new year 2021. See for yourself how our future generation has fared and be inspired by their hopefulness.

Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to being practical. I’ve tried to get into the habit of living a more serendipitous lifestyle and I’ve since made very fond memories and have had experiences that I never would have had otherwise.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep my inventiveness and self-reliance. It’s very important to me to retain these characteristics and continue to blossom into the best version of myself.

In with the new: I will look forward to a new way of life with endless opportunities and a plethora of success.

Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to self-doubt whenever I’m hesitant about sharing my opinion in class or with new people. I also will wave goodbye to fear of rejection in all aspects of life. I’ve learned that it’s okay to be rejected. Some people may not think the same as you do and that’s okay.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep the few amazing high school memories with my best friends when I begin to enter a new chapter of my life and attend college. Those memories of jamming out to music in the car or staying out a little too late that I have to speed (not by much) home to make curfew will always make me smile.

In with the new: I will look forward to exciting new adventures that I will experience when I go to college next year and begin setting personal goals in academics, health, and hobbies.


Out with the old: As we approach the new year I want to reflect on my current year. I will be waving goodbye to my messy habits and unclean room.

But don’t lose everything: I will definitely be keeping close contact with all my friends and continue our zoom slumber parties.

In with the new: I am looking forward to finishing high school and starting the next phase of my life in college. 2020 was a rough year, but I will try my best to have a more positive 2021.


Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to fearing what others might think of me. Often, I try to be the most perfect person when trying to meet new people or even just around some of my close friends. This past year I learned that it’s important to own who you are and what makes you.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep hanging out with my family, my friends, and my dog, who is my entire world. COVID has really brought me closer with my brothers, since they are out of college and staying home for the meantime. I also have such a special place in my heart for my friends and my dog who I love very much.

In with the new: I will look forward to planning for the future. I am a junior in high school and am going to start looking into the college process soon. I have my heart set on going into the entertainment industry and can’t wait to get started. I am so hopeful for my future and can’t wait for the day that I am living in New York City!


Out with the old: I will wave goodbye to negative feelings that I have about myself.

But don’t lose everything: I will keep my friends and all of the happy memories I have with them.

In with the new: I look forward to all the amazing things I want to do with my life, especially going to college to get my degree in engineering and to make some more friends while I’m there.

TEENS: Curious as to what other teens would say? If you have a question or problem you would like to present to other teens, please email: and include your age, grade, and gender you identify with. All questions are published anonymously and your identity and contact information will be kept confidential.

PARENTS OF TEENS: Would you like to anonymously and confidentially ask the panel of teen Peer Counseling Writers to comment on a parenting issue you are struggling with? If you are ready for a variety of honest opinions from real teens, please address your questions to

Dr. Renae Lapin, a licensed marriage and family therapist with 40 years experience, currently maintains a private practice in Boca Raton, Florida. For more information about Dr. Renae and her practice, visit her website:

New Mayor Richard Walker thanks voters

I am humbled and honored to have been elected Mayor of Parkland. Congratulations to all of our city’s elected officials – Simeon Brier District 1, Jordan Isrow District 2, Ken Cutler District 3, and Bob Mayersohn District 4.

Thank you to all of the candidates who campaigned for a seat. It was a wonderful process as we had 10 candidates in total who offered fresh ideas and showed a tremendous passion for our City.

Local elections are sometimes overlooked for the larger races at the county, state, or national level. Local elections directly impact our everyday lives and it’s important to be engaged in the process.

Local officials directly impact our safety, property taxes, infrastructure, business, community services, and amenities. Sometimes we lose sight of the importance of our municipal elected officials, but it’s important to be knowledgeable and ask questions during the election process.

As residents, we have the unique opportunity to have direct and frequent dialogue with our local elected officials. It’s important to use those  opportunities positively to become knowledgeable and off er insight.

At no other level can there be this direct impact on our everyday lives and this is why your involvement in the process is so important. There are many ways to get involved in the City of Parkland. We offer many Advisory Board positions for you to join.

You can look on the city website for more information by going to

I want to also take this opportunity to thank Stacy Kagan for her years of positive community service to the City of Parkland. And finally, congratulate Christine Hunschofsky on her election to the State Representative Seat 96.

We have been immensely blessed to have had Christine’s dedication, perseverance, and compassion to our great city and all of our residents. I am committed to holding this same level of standard and am grateful to Christine for setting the bar so high.

I am always available to chat and I look forward to your thoughts and insight.

My door is always open and I can be reached at

Here are the elected officials: unofficial as of printing Coral Springs City

Commissioner winners:
• Nancy Metayer, Seat 3 • Joy Carter, Seat 5

Broward State attorney:
Harold F. Pryor

Gregory Tony