Hindu Heritage Month

In 2003, the Florida House of Representatives designated February as Hindu Heritage Month to honor the Hindu residents of the state that add to its diversity and help better the state by promoting their cultures and traditions, spreading knowledge and culture. The month was selected more due to the fact that many Hindus worship Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, and learning, in February.

The Hindu culture is both diverse and rich as Hinduism dates back to the Indus Valley over 4,000 years ago, making it the oldest religion in the world. Hindu Heritage Month gives people an opportunity to learn about and appreciate the Hindu culture. The South Florida Hindu Temple in Southwest Ranches in conjunction with other organizations holds events for the public to learn about myths and misconceptions about the Hindu culture, but also to experience the rich culture. However, temples are not the only place to learn about Hindu heritage, as there are programs, classes, and monuments everywhere.

In Davie, you can find Mahatma Gandhi Square, which features a seven-foot tall bronze statue of the man who helped gain India’s independence. Not only is he known for helping with independence, but Hindus focus more on how he accomplished the goal through nonviolence. Hindus practice ahimsa, non-violence, which Gandhi exemplified in a time of great conflict and struggle.

Throughout South Florida, many cultural programs can be found as well. Bharatnatyam, the oldest classical dance in India, serves as a way for many Hindus to express their devotion to god and to tell
stories of their culture through a beautiful dance form. Kathak
dances originated in North India and are known for their storytelling through rhythmic foot movements. There are many traditional music and dance programs that are offered to the public through the Broward arts council that offer a way to learn about this rich aspect of Hindu heritage.

Besides giving the community a chance to learn about another religion and culture, Hindu Heritage Month is an opportunity for Hindus to celebrate and appreciate their heritage in a society that is continuing to move away from traditions as popular culture grows in influence. February gives Hindus a chance to strengthen their ties to their heritage and culture. Fully immersing themselves in Hindu  traditions and celebrations may help them come to accept themselves and their lifestyle. Normally February holds activities like cultural programs, day of service activities, and a time for reflection and learning. I hope that everyone uses this month to learn and appreciate the lives of others and themselves as this diversity is what makes society better for everyone, giving all the opportunity to learn about the world and everyone that inhabits it.

DECA perseveres at MSD despite COVID

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School’s DECA program is the fourth largest chapter in the world. With CDC safety guidelines and virtual learning set in stone for the remainder of this year, DECA has not allowed the circumstances to limit its outreach to students.

Originally, DECA stood for “Distributive Education Clubs of America,” but it is now known only as DECA, a not-for-profit student organization. Since the club is co-curricular, it only includes students enrolled in the Academy of Finance and/or the Hospitality & Tourism programs offered at MSD.

“In the spring when I was appointed to be the president of DECA, I thought I would be sitting back in the classroom,” co-President Lexie Sealy said. “I feel like I am missing out on engaging with our members. I was really looking forward to meeting the freshmen and new members face to face.” MSD’s DECA is around 700 members strong and as a result, it has become a challenge to connect the members when meetings and socials are done through a computer screen with no real interaction.  With students learning through computers and staring at screens for hours at a time, it has become hard to engage and involve members.

“It is definitely a challenge for our chapter to connect with one another on virtual platforms, especially with all the technical difficulties that come with virtual events,” co-VP of School Activities Raegan DiRenzo said. “Despite this, I feel we’ve made the best of this situation and have been able to participate in engaging officer bonding events and socials.”

As an incentive for more participation, the club introduced a Girls Who Start chapter for students interested in hearing from female entrepreneurs, along with DECA in the Middle, a program where students from Westglades Middle School could learn about business-related concepts.

“Online learning has really made it hard for us to connect with the middle school kids,” VP of Middle School Relations Ziya Kassam said. “Usually we would be able to talk to the members one on one and be there in person whenever they needed, but this year it’s hard for us to communicate efficiently.”

Typically, DECA students compete at state competition and at the International Career Development Conference, where thousands of DECA students come together to compete and develop knowledge and skills for college and careers. Since competitions will no longer be conducted the same way as years prior, resources such as “Manual Monday” and “Testing Tuesday” are available to students who would like to focus more on preparation.

“It’s important to be prepared for competition,” sophomore LJ Russinoff said.

“Our chapter offers [resources] to ensure that our members are as prepare as possible for their events.”

As a result of eLearning, the DECA officer team and advisors have found ways to collaborate and find solutions for more effective networking, learning, and bonding. Just like other clubs and extracurriculars, establishing connections has become a struggle. The DECA program at MSD has learned to combat this issue with strong teamwork and innovative alternatives.

Sharon Cutler Academy of Finance teacher and DECA advisor

“From a teacher perspective, I had to rethink my lessons and how I’m going to teach with the understanding that students are looking at a computer screen. I am used to having project based learning so having my students still work in projects and with other people is very important to me. I try to look at what I can do instead of what I can’t.”

Lexie Sealy – DECA Co-President 

“The biggest challenge is keeping members engaged through a computer screen. We have had to take all the events we do every year and figure out a way to make them virtual and engaging for members. COVID-19 has made this position much more difficult than anticipated, but it is so rewarding to hear positive feedback from the student body.”

 Jacob Foster – DECA senior who has gone to state/ICDC competition

“I have competed in state and district competitions every year, and I attended ICDC my sophomore year. Virtual competition is not ideal, but it is understandable since DECA wants to keep everyone safe. My goal this year is to work hard to win at ICDC since this will be my last chance. We have been looking forward to this competition in California since our freshman year, and everyone is hopeful that things will be better in May or April so that we will be able to travel and compete.”