5 Ideas for Halloween During COVID

Due to the pandemic, halloween will look different this year. Instead of the traditional dressing up and trick-or-treating, we will be celebrating Halloween safe at home. 

There is no reason to cancel Halloween, instead, alter your plants to fit the health and safety precautions for your area.

Here is a list of 5 ideas to still have a spooky spectacular night:

  1. Decorate your house with pumpkins, lights, and spooky sights. Go crazy with orange, black, and white decor.
  2. Spooky Halloween movie marathon- grab some popcorn, candy corn, and get cozy. Time to gather all your favorite Halloween spooky movies with family.
  3. Halloween Hunt- create clues and scour the scene for items featured in a photo scavenger hunt. Make it a competition or work together as a family. Make sure you have candy prizes!
  4. Drive-by-Trick-or-Treating- have people drive by and gently throw candy at costumed kids in their yards like your car is a parade float. Blast some music and have fun lights around your car to get into the spirit.
  5. Zoom Halloween parties- have a dress up party via zoom. Pick a theme, plan a zoom-like fashion show to show off your creation.


