Celebrating Passover

Growing up, all Jewish holidays were a big deal for my family. We were five; my mother had a sister with a husband and two kids; their brother had a wife and five kids. And, of course, there was my grandmother, the matriarch of the tribe and solo cook for all feasts. She was a wonderful cook.

I would have loved to have helped, but I was a kid and wasn’t getting anywhere near her food. She was a clean freak. She eschewed germs. And to her, when she cooked, I was a germ. We were all germs, every last one of us. But I did get to taste.

My mother and her family grew up in an orthodox home and followed
all the rules, with which she really didn’t always agree. By the time
my mother was an adult, she had joined the Army, met and married my non-Jewish father, and began her life with her children as Jewish, but with a sprinkling of rules.

As I said, holidays were a big deal. Food was plentiful as were the mouths ready to consume it; all of us: Cousins, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, and one very strict grandmother.

She made gefilte fish, charoset, chicken soup with kneidlach (matzo balls), chicken liver, brisket with potatoes and carrots, and sponge cake with fresh fruit.

It was difficult for any of us to get up from the table to clean. Jewish food is very filling and fattening. While it took me many years to appreciate and finally love gefilte fish — maybe because they look like little brain dumplings — the rest was just fine with me.

I’m offering two recipes today, exactly how my grandmother and my mother made them. I have not changed anything. The recipes are at least a century old, probably older, but I suggest using fresher ingredients. I’m happy to say that our two daughters also have carried on these recipes.

Chopped chicken liver

  • 1 lb. chicken livers – fat removed
  • 1 large yellow onion, chopped
  • 1 small yellow onion
  • 5 hard cooked eggs
  • chicken fat (schmaltz) 2 tablespoons to sauté livers and onions and more to mix with eggs and raw onion salt and pepper

Make sure the livers are dry. Melt the 2 tablespoons of fat in a 10-inch fry pan. Add livers and onions and cook until cooked through. No pink in livers, but do not overcook because it will taste dry.

Add this mixture to a wooden bowl and chop that along with the raw onion and the hard cooked eggs. As you mix, taste for seasonings and texture. I like the moisture the added chicken fat brings. I also don’t chop it to death. I like a few lumps in my chicken liver.

I use the fifth egg chopped fine in the food processor to sprinkle on top of liver.

In my family we would eat this before the soup and after the gefilte fish.

Chicken soup

  • 2 roasting chickens, quartered. Do not use the liver.
  • 1 bunch of fresh dill
  • 3 to 4 medium yellow onions, peeled and quartered
  • 1⁄2 bunch curly parsley
  • 4 to 5 large, peeled carrots
  • 4 to 5 celery stalks, leaves included
  • 2 turnips, peeled
  • 1 parsnip
  • Kosher salt
  • 10 to 15 peppercorn 

Using a 14-quart pot, add chicken and allow cold water to run into pot until it runs clear. Add enough water to cover by about three inches. Bring to a slow boil. Do not allow to come to a hearty boil which will darken the soup. As it boils, slowly remove the scum that comes to the top.

When all scum has been removed, take out the chicken parts that have the breast meat. Allow to cool to the touch and remove the meat from the breasts. I leave this meat intact until the next day so it doesn’t dry out. Then I pull the chicken apart to use in the soup when served. Return the bones to the soup and add onions, carrots, celery, turnips, dill, parsley, salt and pepper. Bring again to a slow boil. Allow to cook, uncovered, for about two to three hours. If any other scum has come to the top, remove it also. At this point I turn the soup off and allow it to cool. Strain the soup and put back the chicken parts. Refrigerate overnight, UNCOVERED.

The next morning you will have a layer of fat on the top. It can be removed easily with a large spoon. Discard. Bring the soup to a slow boil and add new vegetables. I use the same amount of new onions, celery, carrots, turnips, parsnips, parsley, and dill. Allow to simmer until the vegetables are tender. Usually about one and a half hours. If they are not tender, continue to cook until they are. Now you can taste for seasoning. Add kosher salt and white pepper.

I make white rice and/or noodles to go with the soup. If you make matza balls, follow the directions on the box of Manischewitz or Streit’s matzo meal. They will be delicious. Either of these recipes can be cut in half if you’re serving fewer people or you have the same aversion to leftovers as my husband.

SoFlo Gardening: March 2021

What to Plant

Annuals/Bedding Plants: Dianthus and other cool-season annuals continue to flourish. Consider planting warm-season annuals such as angelonia, was begonia, and zinnia at the end of the month.

Bulbs: Plant dahlia, canna, and glorious bulbs for spring and summer flowering. Provide stakes as needed to support growth.

Herbs: Consider growing edible ginger. Plant rhizomes in well-drained soil in full to part sun.

Vegetables: Begin planting warm-season crops, such as beans, tomatoes, squash, and corn, early in the month for late spring harvest. Protect from frost.

What to Do

Azaleas: Prune azaleas when they have finished blooming to reduce their size and improve the form.

Shrubs and trees: Prune when the dormant season ends and new growth begins.

Palms and shrubs: Fertilize palms, azaleas, camellias, and other ornamental shrubs if needed. Choose a fertilizer in which at least 30% of its nitrogen is slow release.

Irrigation: Check your sprinkler system for problems such as broken or misaligned spray heads.

Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension

Simple but savvy moves for heart health

This month is all about hearts, love, and adding a little TLC to your everyday life. February is American Heart Month. This month is dedicated to driving awareness around heart disease, or cardiovascular disease (CVD). These are the leading causes of many health-related issues that can not only affect your ability to work, but impact your overall quality of life.

It’s important to know that some of the at-risk factors to heart health issues include poor diet, being overweight and lack of physical activity. To ensure that you’re on the right track to improve or maintain a healthier heart, show yourself a little more love by following some of these recommended adjustments for improving your diet by managing your portions and staying active.

Improve your diet

• Start the day with a low-fat breakfast. Try these simple ideas:

• In an electric blender, process 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 cup vitaminwater zero, 1 6 oz. carton Greek Style yogurt, and 1⁄2 cup fresh or frozen fruit to make a fruit smoothie.

• Spread toasted multi-grain waffle with 1 tablespoon peanut butter.

• Top oatmeal with chopped apple, raisins, or 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts.

• Eat every three to four hours or five to six times a day; this prevents you from becoming too hungry.

• Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water –eight to ten glasses a day will keep you hydrated. If you are looking for hydrating options in addition to water, try flavored varieties such as vitaminwater zero or sparkling water. Most importantly, remember that all beverages hydrate. Thirst is an indicator of dehydration and sometimes thirst is confused with hunger.

• Include more fiber in your diet such as whole grain breads and cereals, beans, legumes, and nuts. Higher fiber will aid in helping you feel full.

• Include more vegetables and fruits—these too will help fill you up, and not out.

Manage weight with right-size portions

It’s important to have a good relationship with food, so my mantra is “all foods and beverages can fit into a balanced diet in moderation.” Below are some guidelines to help you keep portion control in mind and some products that can help you do so.

• Choose 3-oz. portions of lean meat, fish, or poultry. This is a serving about the size of a deck of cards.

• For fruits and vegetables, consider a portion about the size of a baseball. If you enjoy avocado, go for one-half of a medium avocado.

• Servings for grains, beans, and legumes should compare to the size of an adult fist.

• Beverages also come in perfectly-portioned sizes. Coca-Cola has mini-cans available at about 7.5 ounces.

Keep it moving

Regular physical activity and exercise can have long term positive effects along with reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. By getting your body moving, you can improve control of your weight, combat heart disease, increase your energy and mood, decrease stress, and improve your sex life.

Scheduling the time to exercise on your calendar will help make it part of your standard daily routine. If you cannot set aside a 30 to 45-minute block of time, do several 5-10-minute segments daily. The buddy system works well here—having a friend on board will help keep you both motivated and on task.

Take Away: Focus on heart health this month. Start to make life long changes to your lifestyle choices and show a little love to your heart and those you care about around you.


Waist watching? Add soup, whole grains, citrus

As we start the New Year, I’ve had a ton of questions from my clients who are focused on giving a jump-start to their healthy lifestyle goals.

I’ve had questions on the Green cleanse, shapely shakes, citrus cleanse, green tea diet, food lovers cleanse, and more.

My response to those inquiries is consistent with my mantra — “For better health: All things in moderation. There is not one food that is all good or all bad for you.”

Now there are some food choices that can aid you in moving forward on the path to a healthier you.

Take soup for instance. Research published in the Journal Appetite showed that people who started lunch with vegetable soup ended up eating 20 percent less than those who skipped the soup.

The key to adding soup to your meal plan is to choose one that is broth-based, which is low energy density, and provides fewer calories per gram than other foods, and contains low to moderate amounts of sodium.

Soup contributes to a feeling of fullness, so by starting a meal with soup, it can prevent you from overeating.

Whole grain foods are also excellent choices for a healthy lifestyle. They are high in fiber, which can be helpful in weight management and weight loss.

Whole grains have always been around, but the “on-trend” group in the whole grain family falls under the moniker of ancient grains. These are grains such as farro, quinoa, and sorghum.

Farro is often labeled the “mother of all wheat species.” The grain is highly regarded in Italy and fast becoming one of the popular grains on-trend in the USA. Whole grain farro is high in fiber, protein, vitamin B3, and zinc. It is low in gluten.

Quinoa is technically a gluten-free seed. In cooking, however, it is used as a grain. It is high in protein, iron, and fiber.

Sorghum is a substitute for wheat, is gluten-free and also high in protein, iron, and fiber as well as a rich source of antioxidants.

Citrus fruits are also good options to include as you make steps to improve your well-being. These fruits have high fiber, high water content, and fewer calories per gram. These attributes will give you a greater feeling of fullness, helping to suppress your appetite.

Research indicates that eating a half grapefruit before meals can promote weight loss. In addition to waist-trimming qualities, grapefruit contains immune-boosting vitamins A and C, and antioxidants.

However, if you are taking prescription medication, make sure you check with your health care professional before making grapefruit part of your daily meal plan.

Take Away: You can enjoy a variety of foods eaten in moderation. Add
30 minutes of physical activity and you’ll have a head start toward your goals.

SoFlo Gardening: January 2021

What to Plant

Annuals/Bedding plants: Plants that can be added to the garden during the coolest months include begonia, browallia, lobelia, dianthus, dusty miller, and nicotiana.

Bulbs: Winter is a great time to plant bulbs that will bloom in the spring. Some examples include Clivia lily, crinum, and agapanthus.

Herbs: Many herbs will thrive now that temperatures are cooler, including tarragon, thyme, dill, fennel, and any of the mints.

Vegetables: Many vegetables can be planted this time of year. This is the last month to plant Irish potatoes, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, mustard, and turnips.

What to Do

Landscape: It is a good time to plant woody shrubs. Water frequently to get new plantings off to a good start.

Irrigation: Water plants if temperatures remain higher than normal and rainfall is scarce.

Shrubs and trees: Prune non-spring flowering shrubs and trees this month to improve form.

Arbor Day: Celebrate Florida Arbor Day (the 3rd Friday of January) by planting a tree in your yard or community.

Crapemyrtle: Remove seed pods, crossing branches, and small twiggy growth to improve the plant’s appearance and form, if desired. Hard pruning is not required.

Cold protection: Bring sensitive plants like orchids inside if a frost or freeze is predicted. Thoroughly water and cover sensitive plants in the landscape 12–24 hours before a freeze.

Pests: Apply horticultural oil to citrus, shrubs, and deciduous fruit trees while plants are dormant to control scale. Apply copper spray to mangos after bloom.

Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension

Fresh produce offers health in seasonal colors

With the arrival of the end of the year holidays, I get the impression that my clients think they have a pass on doing the right thing. Not! I know there is  plethora of tempting edibles at every gathering, at homes, and workplaces.

But one of the best things about this time of year is the colorful and nutrition filled fresh produce. It’s as if Mother Nature selected the season’s bounty to fit right in with the traditional holiday colors of red and green.


Though red radishes are the most popular, they also come in rose, purple, lavender, and white. The popular variety in red and white could easily be considered the Santa Claus vegetable.

With a few swift slits of the paring knife, these orbs become the focal point of a vegetable tray. They look good, and they are good for you. The radish is low in calories, and high in vitamins A and C.

Radishes are a good source of vitamins and minerals. The vegetable’s high water and fiber content aids in digestion and makes it an excellent detoxifier.


This colorful veggie looks like red cabbage with deep red or magenta leaves and white veins. Its flavor is spicy, with a hint of bitterness. It adds a stunning  pop of color to salads, and vegetable trays. You can also spread radicchio’s leaves with hummus, dips, tuna, or shrimp salad instead of crackers. It is a good source of antioxidants, contributing to overall health and wellness. The veggie is also high in fiber, as well as vitamins C and K, which promotes bone health. It contains magnesium which helps build strong bones and teeth, and potassium which plays a positive role in regulating blood pressure.


Red beets are available year-round and can be served roasted, steamed, pickled, or in juice. This vegetable is in the same family as spinach and Swiss  chard. Beets are a good source of heart healthy folate and potassium. They also contain energy producing carbohydrates, antioxidants manganese and vitamin C; they are a good source of digestive-supportive dietary fiber, along with magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.

You can intensify the color of beets by adding lemon juice or vinegar while cooking for a brighter color. Baking soda will cause them to turn a deeper purple. Add salt after cooking, because it can blunt the color.

Red Swiss Chard

This leafy green, also in the vegetable family with beets, is stunning with its magenta stalk and veins surrounded by textured deep green leaves.

Swiss chard is an excellent source of bone-building vitamin K, manganese, and magnesium; it is high in antioxidants vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It contains potassium and iron, is a good source of fiber and B vitamins including folate which is good for a healthy heart. Swiss chard can be included in salads and sandwiches or as a hot vegetable. To maximize the nutrients, quick cooking such as sauté or steaming is best.

Whether seasonal festivities or year ‘round, these “reds” are vegetables to dish about; they are fabulous looking, great of these to your menu and you’ll be one nutrition-savvy hostess/host serving great dishes that are nutrition rich.

Take Away: Festive occasions can be enjoyed without shelving your plan for good health. Make wise choices and try to opt for colorful fruits and vegetables. Plenty of fruits and vegetables will go a long way toward keeping the calories down and nutrition up.

Holiday tips to manage diabetes

November is National Diabetes Month, and the Center for Disease Control reports that 29.1 million people, diagnosed and undiagnosed, are challenged with this disease in the United States. As a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) I focus on wise food choices throughout the year. As the holiday season unfolds, I want to give people the tools to eat well and wisely.

In planning menus and choosing items from those often served at holiday meals, diabetes can afflict the meal planner as well as those dining at the table.As the host or hostess, it is important to include options for those who may have challenges with what some folks dismiss as “just a little sugar.” In putting together a menu of traditional dishes, which tend to be carbohydrate heavy, remember that to control diabetes it is essential to manage carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are necessary nutrients that are the fuel for energy— however if diabetes is a factor, carbs must be monitored. Carbohydrates are starches, sugars, and fiber. Now let’s look at some of the dishes typically found on the Thanksgiving menu.

Michelle Stewart

Snacks and Appetizers:
These often include cheese and crackers, dips, or cocktail-size frankfurters. Good- for-you options to substitute are fresh vegetables in place of salty snacks such as chips or pretzels. Limit the cheese, which can be high in fat and calories, and ditch the baby frankfurters for lean lunchmeat rolled in lettuce leaves.

Side Dishes:
Folks do love potatoes — mashed, scalloped, or sweet. It is not the potato itself that gets the bad rap; it’s the additions of butter, cheese, milk, sour cream, and other goodies. If making potatoes, opt for low-fat milk or plain Greek-style yogurt in place of cream and sour cream. If sweet potatoes are on the list, cut back on the amount of butter, sugar, and marshmallows. Sweepotatoes are a real power food, but if pairing the sweets with the previous list, the power punch is knocked out! Include roast or steamed green vegetables, baked squash, and a tossed green salad.

Now turkey stuffing is in the side-dishcategory — this too can be more wholesome if you use a little less butter or margarine, use sodium-reduced broth, and whole grain bread or brown rice, depending on the type of stuffi ng you are making.


Main Dishes:

Turkey is the star attraction on most tables, however, it can also be joined by ham or roast beef. These are protein foods without any carbohydrates. Limit servings to 3 to 4-ounce portions. If turkey is your main-dish choice, go for roasted turkey and not deep- fried. Choose turkey breast and remove the skin. If gravy is on the must-have list, limit to a couple of tablespoons or half a ladle of gravy.

I know this is where so many slip up. Don’t deny yourself dessert, choose half-size portions, forgo caramel, chocolate, and whipped toppings. If eggnog is in the picture, pour a juice-size glass or make the beverage your dessert in place of cake or pie.

These are some of the tools and guidelines for good and healthy eating during the holidays. Diabetes is serious but by making wise choices as the host or guest, folks can eat well, enjoy the season, and keep well-being goals in sight.

Take Away: You can enjoy seasonal holidays by making good choices to eat well and manage the Diabetes challenge.

SoFlo Gardening: September 2020

What to Plant

Annuals/Bedding plants: Try ageratum, celosia, zinnia, and wax begonia for color in the fall.

Bulbs: Add color, texture, and patterns to the garden with the many varieties of elephant’s ear (Alocasia spp.), calla, narcissus, and zephyr lily.

Herbs: Plant Mexican tarragon, mint, rosemary, and basil.

Fruits & Vegetables: It is time to establish strawberry plants. Veggies to plant now are broccoli, carrots, cabbage, collards, and many others.

What to Do

Lawns: Continue to monitor the lawn for signs of insect damage. Fall armyworms, chinch bugs, mole crickets, and sod webworms are still active this month.

Fertilizer Bans: Numerous municipalities in South Florida prohibit the application of fertilizer to lawns and/or landscape plants during the summer rainy season (June–September). See if such an ordinance exists in your area.

Vegetable gardens: Prepare the fall vegetable garden if not done in August. Using transplants from your local garden center will get the garden off to a fast start, but seeds provide a wider variety from which to choose.

Perennials and bulbs: Divide and replant perennials and bulbs that have grown too large or need rejuvenation. Add organic matter to planting beds and monitor water needs during establishment.

Irrigation: Check that irrigation systems are providing good coverage and operating properly before summer rains taper off.

Citrus: Fertilize citrus with a balanced fertilizer either this month or in October. Use controlled-release nitrogen because rain will not leach it from the soil too quickly.

Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension

SoFlo Gardening: August 2020

What to Plant

Annuals/Bedding plants: The hottest days of summer limit planting to heat-tolerant vinca, gaillardia, bulbine, and coleus.

Bulbs: Aztec lily, butterfly lily, walking iris, and spider lily can be planted any time of the year, even late summer.

Herbs: Herbs that can be planted from plants (not seeds) include bay laurel, ginger, Mexican tarragon, and rosemary.

Vegetables: Many cool-season crops can be started now as well as a final crop of warm-season vegetables such as lima beans, cucumbers, eggplant, and peppers. Tomatoes can also be planted for the fall garden.


 What to Do

Lawns: Determine the cause of any damage to the lawn so the proper remedy is used. Damage from insects, disease, or irrigation failure can produce similar symptoms. Use a sharp mower blade and only remove a third of the grass blade to reduce stress on the lawn.

Palms: Check older palm fronds for yellowing as it may indicate a magnesium or potassium deficiency. Apply an appropriate palm fertilizer.

Poinsettias: Pinch back poinsettias and mums before the end of the month to allow time for buds to form for winter bloom.

Ornamental plants: Rapid growth and leaching rains may result in nutrient deficiencies in some plants. See Nutrient Deficiencies (Landscape Plants): edis.ifas.ufl.edu/topic_ nutrient_deficiencies_landscape_plants

Annuals and Perennials: Remove spent blooms, cut back, and fertilize flowering annuals and perennials to extend the season into the fall months.

Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension