It has now been a few months since most of us first laid hands on our masks. During the lockdown, they were used while we ventured out to Publix, and to other stores that were still open. Now as we have a wider range of activities to draw us out of our homes, the use of masks is increasing.
Masks were not initially designed for continual use. Now, with more and more activity, and COVID-19 still a threat, work environments are mandating masks. A lot of folks are facing 8 hrs or more of mask use. It is a challenge to keep a mask on for a whole day, so we want to share some of the top advice regarding mask use:
Protect your Ears
Masks that hook around your ears are now a common sight around the community. The ear hooks eventually irritate the back of your ear after using it for a couple hours; you can relieve this by getting a mask with straps that tie behind your head vs your ears, or with a single tie behind the head. You can also get ear guards that will protect your ears.
Now that you have protected the back of your ears, it’s time to consider the materials of which the mask is made of; polyester and synthetic material traps more heat vs cotton. The N95 masks are typically made with thin synthetic fibers, but may not be as comfortable as a cotton mask. Other moisture can also get trapped behind the masks, so one suggestion is to put a tissue on your nose behind the mask, it may help with some irritation. If you feel suffocated with your mask, you can try mints or chewing gum, as they will help regulate your breathing.
Also, try out your masks at home before you use them for an extended period of time. This will help you figure out the more painful areas and give you a chance to address it.

Make it Smell Better
You will be spending a bit of time with your mask when you venture out. So, if you are sensitive to smells, consider using Menthols, or scented antibacterial sprays inside your mask. These will give it a pleasant smell, and reduce germs accumulating inside your mask. You may also consider a few drops of essential oils. For example, lavender oil is used to relieve anxiety; peppermint may help with mental focus; eucalyptus will help open your lungs, and bergamot has antioxidant properties, and can be a herbal option to ward off germs.
Foggy Glasses
For the 64% of Americans wearing glasses, especially in the South Florida humidity, foggy glasses are another annoyance you will face with masks. First, make sure you have a tight fit on top of the mask. If you have a metal strip in your mask, make sure it sits snugly on your nose and skin. You can also try to wear your glasses lower, and thus down your nose. For masks that tie behind the head, criss-crossing the straps can also be used to keep the fabric pressed closely against your face.
Since you are already customizing your masks to make them more comfortable, you might as well personalize it with your style. The choice of masks now is ever expanding, and you can get them custom made for you. You can choose a different mask based on your mood or outfit.

In Closing
Living with a mask on your face is now a part of everyone’s daily routine, you might as well try to make it as comfortable as possible. There are masks for every purpose and occasion, so get a few styles and use them based on your activities.
Personally, I enjoy taking mask breaks when I can, but please wear a mask when you can not be socially distant in public. You are protecting me by wearing a mask, and I am protecting you by wearing mine.
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