Commissioner Michael Udine (3rd District, Broward County)

WELCOME 2021! Here we go, and we are off and running! We are all excited to welcome the new year and all its possibilities. From the rollout of a vaccine, to getting back to business, and eventually getting our lives back to some normalcy in 2021. Personally, I am looking forward to seeing more friends and neighbors in District 3 whenever it becomes possible. We have come through the challenges of 2020, and we are now ready to roll as Broward moves into the future.

Titans of the investment world are taking the opportunity to make the jump to South Florida. Goldman Sachs, Black Rock, and others have started making significant investments by moving departments or even potential headquarters to our neck of the woods. These moves are long term positives for Broward that will bring a variety of jobs and investments to our community. Companies, if you are listening, why wouldn’t you want to be in Broward? The sun, surf, and life with less taxing await your arrival!

Broward County is nearing completion on the switch over to the new P25 radio system that will serve our residents and visitors. The towers and radio systems, backed by Motorola, provide additional capacity, and improve our communication ability during a crisis. Feedback from first responders utilizing the system has been overwhelmingly positive. I have been a strong advocate for this critical public safety system and have worked with all stakeholders to make it a reality.

I have been in discussion with the Broward County Cultural Divisionto push for  more financial support to eligible artists and non-profit organizations in District 3.

Recently, the Division has restructured its grant programs to create a more accessible, transparent, and equitable process. Grant programs support individual artists and organizations throughout Broward County. If you or your organization is interested in participating, please visit Broward. org/arts for more information, or call my office at 954-357-7003. Deadlines are approaching soon!

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is January 18th. This past year has seen many events that have made us question whether our country has made any progress towards his dream. I believe that while we have made significant changes, we still have a long way to go. We need to listen more carefully to each other and put ourselves in our neighbor’s shoes. While we honor Dr. King on January 18th, we must take the principles that he advocated for, and have them be our north star every day.

My staff and I have made staying connected with the residents of District 3 a top priority. We have been available by phone, answering questions by email, and getting out the most up to date and accurate information available.

As always, I can be reached at or my office at (954) 357 7003.

Follow me on social media @CommissionerMichaelUdine on Facebook and @MichaelUdine on Twitter or Instagram to receive important updates and see what is happening in our community. I look forward to connecting with you.