The annual Florida Renaissance Festival in Quiet Waters Park kicked off on Feb. 1, and it’s scheduled to conclude on March 23. It is a great opportunity to enjoy a glimpse of what life might have been back in the 16th century.
Renaissance festivals have become more and more popular since first coming onto the U.S. scene 50 years ago. These events went from a small niche in New York and California, growing through the decades, to extravagant festivals in recent years. The festivals typically feature a setting during the English Renaissance period.
These events also serve as an educational tool for many. It inspires a deeper passion for history and the arts, and it showcases fashion and music from a different era. For some, the shows spark a deeper interest to learn more about the 16th century, and how the Renaissance period impacted the world.
The modern Renaissance festival was started in California in 1963 by Phyllis Patterson, a schoolteacher. It was initially created as a fundraiser for a radio station, with the vision of blending historical reenactment with performative art. For Patterson, there was a local talent pool of performers that she was able to draw upon in the Hollywood Hills community.
Since then, these cultural events have spread across the country. You typically will find both entertainers and attendees in full costume from that time period, along with music and theatrical performance acts of that era. The outfits you see can be simple, or extravagant. Many attendees and performers go out of their way to reenact every element of the outfit to be as realistic as possible.
You also will find vendors selling outfits at the festival, if you want to check them out in person. The Florida Renaissance Festival boasts more than 100 vendors to supply you with provisions. They will also provide you with a wide range of food and beverage—from turkey legs to desserts, and from cold ale to mead.
Nowadays, you will also find a large online community to help with preparing your outfit. A quick search on online store shows many options for historical dresses, gadgets, and accessories, including full sets of plate armor and weapons.
Typically, the festivals will have a theme, and the Florida Renaissance Festival has a theme each weekend. This year the festival is introducing a new concept—the weekend of March 8 and 9 features “Gears and Gadgets–The Lost Inventions of DaVinci,” which celebrates the retro-futuristic subgenre of science fiction. So, expect to see many creations and outfits featuring gears and spectacles if you visit that weekend.
According to one person who attends these festivals, attendees “enjoy the fact it’s historically inspired, and might require a lot of research, and build on year after year.” It’s not like when you are dressing as a character from a book or movie, such as for Comic-Con; for Renaissance festivals, it’s a character you’ve created. This person cherishes the festivals as “a creation of an agreed-upon environment.”
So if you have a weekend free this month, don’t miss out on the final days of the annual Florida Renaissance Festival. It’s on every weekend at Quiet Waters Park. But be warned, expect long lines—the park often reaches capacity by the afternoon—so get there early if you want to partake in the festivities.