SoFlo BUZZ: It’s turtle time!

“Moonlight Turtle Walks” sponsored by the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Discovery and Science, will take place July 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 14, and 16 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.

The Turtle Walk adventure begins at the Museum of Discovery and Science, 401 SW 2nd Street, Fort Lauderdale, with a presentation by museum staff about sea turtles. Guests will then travel to Fort Lauderdale Beach where a museum guide will scout sea turtles’ nests.

From spring to early fall, female sea turtles embark on an annual pilgrimage to the same beach where they were born to build nests and lay eggs at night before returning to the ocean.

Guests should be prepared to walk approximately one to two miles in the sand and provide their own transportation and snacks. Participants must be 9 years of age or older.

Space for these events is limited. The price for museum members is $19 and $21 for non-museum members. To secure your spot, visit or call 954.713.0930.


What to Plant

Annuals/Bedding Plants: Summer annuals to plant now include celosia, coleus, torenia, and ornamental peppers.


Bulbs: Butterfly lily and gladiolus are bulbs that can be planted during the middle of summer.

Herbs: While summer is too hot to start herbs from seeds, many, such as oregano and mint, do well if started from small plants.

Vegetables: Plant tropical vegetables, such as boniato, calabaza, and chayote this month.

Palms: Continue planting palms while the rainy season is in full swing. Support large palms with braces for 6–8 months after planting. Do not drive nails directly into a palm trunk.

What to Do

Pests on Lawns: Determine the cause of any lawn problems before taking action. If an insect is the culprit, treat only the affected area. Rule out disease or sprinkler malfunction.

Fertilizer Bans: Numerous municipalities in south Florida prohibit the application of fertilizer to lawns and/or landscape plants during the summer rainy season (June– September). See if such an ordinance exists in your area.

Vegetable garden: Use summer heat to solarize
the vegetable garden for fall planting. It takes 4–6 weeks to kill weeds, disease, and nematodes, so start now. See Soil Solarization: edis. solarization.


Pests on ornamental plants: Inspect the leaves of ornamental plants for small white dots that may indicate lace bugs at work. Spray forcefully with water to help control this pest.

Tropical fruit trees: Check for damage to fruit or leaves and take action to minimize the effect of insects and/or disease on developing fruit or the overall health of the tree.

Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension



Message from Parkland Mayor : Christine Hunschofsky – July 2020

At the time of this writing, Broward County just allowed summer camps and sports activities to take place. Graduation parades and virtual ceremonies were taking place and most families were adjusting their summer

plans. The City has been working to adopt the Broward County orders safely, while also preparing for the summer budget season.

This month, the City Commission will meet on July 8 at 6pm for
a workshop and at 7pm for a meeting. At our meeting we will be voting on a millage (tax) rate that will appear on the TRIM (Truth In Millage Notices) that are sent to every homeowner in August. This millage rate is only a placeholder, but when the Commission votes on the final millage rate at the two budget hearings in September, we cannot vote for a millage rate higher than the one we approve in July. At the July commission meeting, our city manager will
give the Commission her proposed budget. During July, August, and September, the proposed budget is available online to the public. Additionally, there is a link online to ask questions about the budget, and city staff are available to answer any questions any resident has on the budget. The Commission reviews the budget in July and has workshops on the budget in August and September. The final votes on the millage rate and the budget take place during two meetings in September. To view the current proposed budget (which will be available online after July 8, 2020) and previous budgets, please visit

The only ad valorem part of your tax bill that the Parkland City Commission votes on is the City of Parkland millage rate. Your tax bill is made up of many other governmental entities, not just the City of Parkland ad valorem. By making a quick online search at the Broward County Property Appraiser’s website at you can find your property and then click on the “Click here to display your tax bill” link at the top. This will take you to your property’s tax history and give you the ability to review the full details of your tax bill. In 2019, the ad valorem charges on your tax bill included (percentages are rounded to the nearest .01%):

Broward County (29.89%), Broward Schools (37.26%), South Florida Water Management (1.4%), North Broward Hospital District (5.44%), Children’s Services Council (2.57%), City of Parkland (23.30%) and Fl. Inland Navigation (.17%).

In addition to the ad valorem charges, you will also find a City of Parkland Fire Assessment Fee, a direct charge from your drainage district and a direct charge from Waste Management. I highly recommend going online, reviewing your 2019 tax bill and then reviewing your proposed 2020 taxes that are in the TRIM notice you should receive by mail in August.

Wishing you and your family a safe and happy July 4th! Enjoy these summer weeks with your family and friends. I hope you will all have time to relax and recharge. As always, feel free to reach out to me at any time at with your questions or comments. I look forward to hearing from you!

‘Selfies’ without a cell phone at Boca art museum

After hitting pause on their exhibits and programming in mid-March due to COVID-19, the Boca Raton Museum of Art reopened to the public on Jun. 3, offering a newly renovated lobby courtesy of board chair, Jody Harrison Grass, a redesigned Wolgin Education Center and free admission through September.

There is still time to catch a number of their time-run exhibitions, including “Eye to I:  Self Portraits from the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery,” kicking off their national tour. Originally running through Jun. 14, the show has been extended through Sept. 20.

At a time when millions of selfies are posted every day and identity is proving to be more fluid, this exhibition from the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery shines a new light on self-portraiture.

“These artists looked inward in ways we can connect with in our modern time in ways they could not have foreseen,” says Irvin Lippman, executive director of the museum. “They made a lasting mirror effect of themselves, cutting across time and creating a very personal art that engages us – the viewer,” he says. “

The show was organized by the Chief Curator of the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian, Dr. Brandon Brame Fortune and showcases 60 works from the years 1901–2015, in a variety of styles and media ranging from caricatures to photographs, from watercolors to dramatic paintings.

Fortune chose all new works for the national tour, some not part of the original exhibit.

“It was an exercise in balancing works from the 20th century, balancing mediums, looking at representations and including portraits from each decade, across generations and across time, to make sure the show that goes on tour is as strong as the original show,” Fortune said

“Because selfies are so ubiquitous, it seemed like an interesting moment to pause and look at what artists have been doing for years.,” Fortune said. “Their self-expression tells us something about their personal lives and the times in which they created the portrait.”

Self-portraits by prominent figures in the history of portraiture include Robert Arneson, Thomas Hart Benton, Deborah Kass, Elaine de Kooning, Alexander Calder and Jasper Johns, among others.

More recent works include those by artists Ana Mendieta, Chuck Close, Lois Dodd Alison Saar and Cuban-born multi-media artist Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, whose self-portrait, “When I am not Here, Estoy alla,” (or, When I am not Here, I am There), graces the cover of the exhibit’s catalog.

Standing serenely with her eyes closed, her face covered in white and brown makeup, one arm behind her back and one grasping a Bird of Paradise, Campos-Pons seems to evoke a discussion on the ephemeral nature of shifting identities and self-identity.

Fritz Scholder’s “Self Portrait with Grey Cat,” was the last self-portrait the artist created before he died in 2003, from complications of diabetes.

The dark, moody canvas features the artist boldly facing the viewer as he leans on his cane. His eyes are covered by tinted glasses, and the tubes from his oxygen tank run from his nose across the canvas to the floor, which has been described as a reference to the “shadow of death.”

Also extended through Jan. 3, 2021 and running concurrently with this exhibit is New  York based photographer Phyllis Galembo’s: Maske, a series of large scale photographs documenting African ceremonial masks and costumes and the Museum’s presentation of the “Edward Steichen: In Exaltation of Flowers,” a series of seven large art nouveau panels, inspired in part by Maurice Maeterlinck’s book, The Intelligence of Flowers, and depicts Isadora Duncan, Mercedes de Cordoba, Katharine Rhoades, Marion Beckett and others, along with their floral counterparts.

The seven large art nouveau panels, each ten feet tall, were painted by Steichen from 1911-1914 for the Park Avenue townhouse of Eugene Meyer and his wife, Agnes.

The murals were inspired in part by Maurice Maeterlinck’s book, “he Intelligence of Flowers,” and depict Isadora Duncan, Mercedes de Cordoba, Katharine Rhoades and Marion Beckett, along with their floral counterparts.

For more information, visit:


By Jan Engoren

Still pursuing a ‘perfect union’

The formation of the United States of America began with an idea. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed. The problem with implementing ideas is that humans are flawed. Even the best among us are not perfect, and therefore we can only hope to work towards perfection. The founders knew this. They knew they had written a document that contradicted the owning of slaves. Fourteen prominent founding fathers owned slaves, seven did not. As a group, however, they believed that the liberty and independence of the United States was the larger goal at the time.

The Constitution was signed September 17, 1787. “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, to ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” In Order to form a more perfect Union, the Founders were admitting that they, and this country, were not perfect. A great deal of work still needed to be done.

The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 freed many slaves, but it wasn’t until the Thirteenth Amendment, adopted December 18, 1865, that slavery and involuntary servitude were abolished (except as a punishment for a crime). Ever so slowly, steps continued to be taken towards the idea that is the foundation of this country, equality. Initially introduced to Congress in 1878, a (white) women’s suffrage amendment was officially adopted on August 26, 1920. This was the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

In August 1892, one of the original Pledges of Allegiance was composed by Francis Bellamy: “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” “…He had initially also considered using the words equality and fraternity, but decided against it, knowing that the state superintendents of education on his committee were against equality for women and African Americans.” Per Dr. John Baer in his book, The Pledge of Allegiance: A Short History.

June 22, 1942 saw the Pledge changed to “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” “Under God” was added on June 14, 1954.

The Civil Rights Act was enacted on July 2, 1964. As Americans we must work together to continue to bring the founders’ idea to fruition. All are created equal, with liberty and justice for all. As human beings we may never achieve perfection, but as Americans our ambition is to always keep working to “create a more perfect Union”.

On this Independence Day, let us truly reflect on the history of this country we love. Let us think about the things we are able to do, no matter how small, to make things better, and to continue working towards the original foundational idea of equality. Let us listen and open our hearts with love to our fellow Americans who don’t look like us, love like us, or worship like us.

We MUST do these things “not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because the challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win…” President John F. Kennedy, Sept. 12, 1962.

By Sheryl Dunn, Publisher

Patriotic songs touchstone of Fourth of July

It’s the season of patriotic songs. You know the melodies, and maybe the lyrics, and now we present you with a little of the history of some of the most well-known and well-loved.

God Bless America

God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above

From the mountains to the prairies/To the oceans white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home

God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above

From the mountains to the prairies/To the oceans white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home

To the oceans white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home/

God bless America, my home sweet home

Irving Berlin might be best known for songs such as “White Christmas,” “Easter Parade,” and scores for 19 Broadway shows and
18 movies, but he also wrote “God Bless America.” In 1918, Berlin, a Russian immigrant, was serving in the U.S. Army in Yaphank, New York. “God Bless America” was intended for the finale of his comedic all-soldier music revue, Yip Yap Yaphank, but Berlin decided to cut it, and did nothing with the song for 20 years. Then, in response to the growing conflict in Europe, he made revisions to the unpublished song, and Kate Smith first sang it on her radio program on Armistice Day, (now called Veterans Day), broadcast in 1938. “God Bless America” became her signature song.

America the Beautiful (1st stanza)

O beautiful for spacious skies,

For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties/Above the fruited plain!

America! America!

God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood/From sea to shining sea!

The author of “America the Beautiful,” Katharine Lee Bates, was a Massachusetts native who became an English literature professor at Wellesley College. It was on an 1893 trip to Colorado, on Pike’s Peak, that she began to formulate the words to “America the Beautiful.” Her poem first appeared in The Congregationalist, a weekly newspaper, on July 4,1895. Over time, Bates made a few revisions to the words and for years, the poem was sung to many popular tunes, including “Auld Lang Syne.” Today it is sung to a melody written in 1882 by Samuel Augustus Ward, a Newark, New Jersey, church organist and choir director who originally wrote the tune to accompany the words of a 16th century hymn. Although they did not know each other, Bates’ poem and Ward’s music were published together in 1910.

The Stars and Stripes Forever

When you think of military marches, you think of John Philip Sousa. Sousa first became famous as the leader of the U.S. Marine Band and then with the Sousa Band, which toured for nearly 40 years. Known as “The March King,” he composed over 100 marches including “Semper Fidelis” (1888), which became the official march of the U.S. Marine Corps, and the rousing, July 4th favorite, “The Stars and Stripes Forever,” (1896), the national march of the United States. And yes, the “The Stars and Stripes Forever” has lyrics, but they are much lesser known than the tune itself.

The Star Spangled Banner (1st stanza)

O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,/Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,/O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?/And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

The lyrics to the “The Star Spangled Banner” are a poem titled “The Defence of Fort McHenry,” written by lawyer, Francis Scott Key, during the War of 1812. Upon seeing a large American victory flag waving after a night of intense British bombardment at the Battle of Baltimore, Key was moved to write the poem. It was paired with a British tune written by John Stafford Smith for the Anacreontic Society and became known as “The Star Spangled Banner.” (For those not in know, Anacreon was an ancient Greek poet known for his celebrations of love and wine.) Declared the national anthem in 1931, and often played at professional sporting events, “The Star Spangled Banner” is notoriously challenging to sing given its difficult lyrics and high pitched and held notes.

God Bless the USA

If tomorrow all the things were gone I worked for all my life
And I had to start again
With just my children and my wife

I thank my lucky stars
To be living here today
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom/And they can’t take that away
And I’m proud to be an American/Where at least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget the men who died/Who gave that right to me
And I’d gladly stand up next to you/And defend Her still today
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.
From the lakes of Minnesota
To the hills of Tennessee
Across the plains of Texas
From sea to shining sea

From Detroit down to Houston
And New York to L.A.
Well, there’s pride in every American heart/And it’s time we stand and say
That I’m proud to be an American
Where at least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget the men who died/Who gave that right to me
And I’d gladly stand up next to you
And defend Her still today
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.
And I’m proud to be an American
Where at least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget the men who died/Who gave that right to me
And I’d gladly stand up next to you
And defend Her still today
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.

Singer songwriter Lee Greenwood released “God Bless the USA” in 1984. Greenwood, and the song, which peaked at Number 7 on the country chart, were nominated for two Grammys that year: Best Country Male Vocal and Best Country Song. However, it became an even bigger hit during the Gulf War in 1991, and then again in 2001, after 9/11. Greenwood had wanted to write a patriotic song for years, and found inspiration for the song when Russia shot down Korean Airlines flight 007 in 1983, killing 63 Americans.

By Ellen Marsden

SoFlo BUZZ: Area seventh-grader wins second place in state essay contest

Isabella Renert, a seventh-grade student at Coral Springs Middle School, has won second place in the Florida League of Cities “If I Were Mayor” essay contest.

Her essay was among 291 submitted state wide. The first place winner was Rithika Shankar from River City Science Academy Mandarin in Jacksonville.

“I am extremely proud of Isabella,” said Bettania Opthof, Isabella’s 7th Grade Teacher. “This young lady is every teacher’s dream student.

“To say that she is highly gifted is undeniable, but what makes her truly special is her kind heart and love of family, friends, and community. With future leaders like Isabella, I feel confident that our great country will be in good hands.”

Isabella’s essay began, “If I were mayor for a day, I would help the homeless, make sure the city is clean, and make sure the schools are safe.”

Rewind: Keeping seniors connected with loved ones during times of isolation

The Alzheimer’s Association has partnered with the State of Florida’s Department of Elder Affairs to keep seniors connected with loved ones during social isolation. Through Project: VITAL (Virtual Inclusion Technology for All), senior-friendly tablets from engagement technology provider iN2L will be distributed to nursing homes and assisted living facilities (ALFs) throughout the state.

“There are more than 580,000 people in Florida living with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Approximately two-thirds of the people living in ALFs have some form of dementia,” said Alzheimer’s Association Florida Regional Leader, Angela McAuley. “Project: VITAL has provided the Association the opportunity to extend our reach to not just those living with dementia, but to all seniors in Florida who are vulnerable to the negative effects of social isolation.”

During the pilot phase, the Alzheimer’s Association will work with 150 care communities, 40 of them in South Florida, supplying two tablets per community, as well as virtual training on how to use the equipment and platform. The tablets are preloaded with software programming from iN2L, enabling residents to connect with their loved ones via video chat with a simple tap on the home screen.

The tablet further fosters connection with family by creating individual profiles for every resident, with the added ability for family to add personal photos and videos to those profiles for residents to view whenever they like.

Also included on the tablet is an easily-personalized library of applications that supports cognitive, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual wellness for the ultimate person-centered engagement experience.

“We are excited to be working alongside the Alzheimer’s Association to provide the technology and tools for Project: VITAL.” said Lisa Taylor, iN2L CEO. “We know how important meaningful connection is to older adults’ health and well-being, and during COVID-19, it is absolutely critical.

“Our tablets are a connection care package for senior living residents, equipped with one-touch video chat tools for virtual family visits, as well
as over 1,000 content applications to connect residents to their interests and passions – all designed to keep them healthy, happy, and entertained during these uncertain times and beyond. We are thrilled that more seniors in the state of Florida will benefit from this solution,” she added.

“We’re hoping the use of these customized tablets will facilitate critical connections with the families, especially during these times – but, we want to use them for sustainable models for the future,” said Richard Prudom, Secretary of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. “We want to ensure the safety of our vulnerable seniors while keeping their loved ones connected.”

The first 50 tablets were shipped on Friday, April 24 with the remaining 100 tablets on May 1.

Pet Talk: Socially distanced, we told stories on my driveway

One night my wife and I were socially distancing with neighbors on my driveway. People that I have never met, neighbors that have been living on the street for years were coming out of their home quarantines and bringing chairs and coolers to my driveway. The six chairs grew to 20 and we all stayed six feet apart. I learned that more than half of us were in the healthcare profession. The other interesting thing I learned was that everyone owned a dog and most of us recognized each other by their dogs. I went from the golden retriever guy to the veterinarian who lives in the two-story house on the corner. That was fun.

As the evening went on it was like a classic joke: A veterinarian, a physician and a dentist walk into a room. Literally, a dentist and a physician and I spent more than an hour trying to outdo each other with the crazy things we have seen, removed or took off a patient. At least my patients have an excuse why they do some weird stuff but what the physicians or dentist had to do for their patients was mind- blowing.

Then the conversation went to clients and patients that
did not follow the golden rules. The physician was a dermatologist and discussed skin cancer from not using suntan lotion. The dentist talked about severe dental disease from not brushing and flossing and I talked about the emergencies that I saw from not spaying and neutering.

I met a guy years ago who wanted to adopt a dalmatian. At that time, I was the veterinarian in charge of the Dalmatian Rescue League of South Florida. The only requirement to adopt was a home inspection and review of their current pet’s health care. The potential adopter owned two Pekinese dogs, and neither were spayed.

The owner did not have an issue that the female dalmatian that he wanted to adopt was spayed but had no intentions
of spaying his Pekinese. He wasn’t going to breed them but has never spayed or neutered a pet before and didn’t believe in it. I was a younger veterinarian and respected the owner’s opinion but was steadfast that he was not going to adopt this dalmatian. It caused a big problem for the rescue group and

for me. What I didn’t know was that he was a politician. He wasn’t used to not getting his way.

About a week after I told the owner and his kids that they were not going to adopt one of the dalmatians I got a call
on my after hours emergency line. It was from the politician. He was at an emergency hospital in Fort Lauderdale and his dog was being prepped for emergency pyometra surgery. Pyometra is when the uterus fills like a balloon with pus. It is the nightmare scenario that can happen when you don’t spay your female dogs.

He wanted to know if I could do the surgery, not because of my reputation, or that he respected me professionally, but he wanted to know if I could do it cheaper than the estimate he received at the emergency center. I hung up.

Back to quarantine. At the end of the night a female neighbor approached me. She told me my story gave her the courage finally to spay her Labrador. Her last dog died due to sepsis from a ruptured pyometra.

By Dr. Glenn Kalick

Pandemic Parenting – Making it up as we go along

Think back to the beginning of the year. No one would have predicted that our children would be graduating in our living rooms; that summer camp, family get-togethers and beach days would be so oddly different.

For many, this change to a virtual existence has been difficult. Children thrive from social engagements, which makes this a time of great struggle and stress. Children’s brains develop through play and learning social skills. They learn boundaries and empathy through playing side by side with others, a scenario impossible to re-create through a video chat! So how do we fill the void for our children while maintaining social distancing?

Growing up, I had our summer ritual down pat. Days spent with family and friends, summer camp, vacation on Sanibel, school clothes shopping. It had a rhythm and regularity. This is the time to revisit your summer rituals and revamp them for COVID-19. Rituals are important for family cohesion. Resurrecting a custom from your childhood might be the answer. Unearth photo albums from your childhood and your children’s. Share stories and bring the past alive. Create a new rhythm for summer with family dinners, game time, and movie nights to help children connect with the family.

When we ask children to make a choice, they feel more empowered and in control. That’s a good thing. If we give kids choices, they have a set list of options to choose from. What they don’t have is an endless list of options you don’t want them choosing. “Are we going to the beach at 9 a.m. to beat the crowds, or are we playing in the sprinklers today?” Did you notice two choices with limits? If your child counter offers with a Disney trip, ice cream for breakfast or some other extravagance, it’s fine to pass. Just because your child wants something, it’s OK not to give it to them. Even when life is weird or stressful!

Just remember – you’re a great parent doing the best you can during a difficult time. You got this!


By Maria Berger

Maria Berger is a licensed mental health counselor and a registered art and play therapist. Her practice, Berger Counseling Services, is located in Parkland. Maria has been serving children, teens and families for over twenty years.

A family affair


Continuing our profiles of folks connected to the Parklander during the past 30 years, we talked to Bobbi Mechler, from the Mechler Group.  


Thirty years ago, when the Parklander published its first issue, the city was already known as a place where young families raised their children in a park-like environment.  That’s one of the reasons that attracted Bobbi and her husband to the area after relocating from Long Island.

Parkland was an idea.  Surprisingly though, Parkland at the time, had no public parks.  The first park in Parkland, Quigley Park, was dedicated in 1989.  Over the years, as the city grew, more and more parks were added. Now it is hard to imagine Parkland without all of its playgrounds, sports facilities, and trails.

Bobbi, working in the real estate industry, has always enjoyed meeting the residents and potential new residents moving to the area.  She shared some of her interesting experiences in the Parklander™ magazine back in 1991.  One story about the perfect seller, a homeowner baking cookies for potential buyers, is still good advice today.

Her love for her work had a strong impact on two of her children.  Her son, Brent, and daughter, Courtney, joined their mom soon after college.  They have been working together for 21 years.

Even though real estate can be a very competitive industry, Mechler’s family enjoyed working together, and there was much laughter. Brent and Courtney were quick studies, and inherited the same charm from their mom.  Soon, clients were feeding back how much they loved working with them.

Having her kids working with her was a boon for Bobbi.  She was able to give them hands on training and advice from her years in the business.  Courtney, who always wanted to work with her mom, helped the team adopt new technology, and market effectively over the years.

These days, real estate marketing is recovering in the “new normal”.  After a period of time with no face to face meetings, recently rules with masks have been adopted.  Property owners can now set the rules for buyers.  Some advice from Bobbi, if you are showing your house, is to keep your lights on, so it minimizes potential buyers from touching the switches.

Looking forward, Bobbi would like to see the area continue to retain the park-like atmosphere, so she can continue to enjoy her tennis, bike rides and walks.  Considering how Parkland went from no parks in the 80s, to now, with the right planning, we can continue to improve our neighborhood.  Someday, perhaps, one of her grandchildren will be helping new residents finding their home in Parkland.


by Li Pan

Broward County Library wins top state award

The Broward County Library has been named 2020 Library of the Year by the Florida Library Association.

“Broward County Library is dedicated to providing  our customers with the very best library services and resources available,” says Broward County Library Director Kelvin Watson. “We’re honored that our efforts and initiatives have been recognized by our peers and we’ll continue striving to reach and engage our community in innovative and meaningful ways.”

The association said the award “recognizes a Florida library that has demonstrated outstanding service to its community” by providing creative or innovative programming that can be emulated by other libraries and by expanding library services to the community it serves.

Broward’s “Air, Land and Sea,” campaign increased services to new residents of Broward, explored current social issues and provided our community with free access to current technology including virtual and augmented reality gear, Watson said.

The campaign expanded library service points to unusual and unexpected places in the community, including buses, parks, businesses and the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.

Other awards the library received from the association was its “Excellence in Marketing and Public Relations Award” for the branding/public awareness campaign of its airport branch, and the “Library Innovation Award” for “Project Welcome,” an initiative that supports English-language learners and newcomers to Broward County.

Makiba Foster, regional manager of Broward’s African American Research Library and Cultural Center, received the association’s “Outstanding Scholarly Contributions” award for her article “Navigating Library Collections, Black Culture, and Current Events,” published In Library Trends Journal.

Earlier this month, Foster and Watson were selected by Legacy South Florida magazine as among of South Florida’s “50 Most Influential and Powerful Black Professionals of 2020.”

Nationally, Broward County Library Community Engagement Manager Roslyn Dean was named one of  Library Journal’s 2020s “Movers and Shakers” in the digital developers category.