SoFlo BUZZ: Area seventh-grader wins second place in state essay contest

Isabella Renert, a seventh-grade student at Coral Springs Middle School, has won second place in the Florida League of Cities “If I Were Mayor” essay contest.

Her essay was among 291 submitted state wide. The first place winner was Rithika Shankar from River City Science Academy Mandarin in Jacksonville.

“I am extremely proud of Isabella,” said Bettania Opthof, Isabella’s 7th Grade Teacher. “This young lady is every teacher’s dream student.

“To say that she is highly gifted is undeniable, but what makes her truly special is her kind heart and love of family, friends, and community. With future leaders like Isabella, I feel confident that our great country will be in good hands.”

Isabella’s essay began, “If I were mayor for a day, I would help the homeless, make sure the city is clean, and make sure the schools are safe.”