New year’s resolutions? Keep them attainable

This is the time of year when people have made their lists of goals that they hope to accomplish in the new year. New year’s resolutions tend to be glorified in today’s society, and they are usually unattainable and unrealistic goals that people set for themselves.

New year’s resolutions have become goals that people believe will dramatically change their lives for the better, although these resolutions usually do not last.

The resolutions people come up with can be life-altering changes that they give up on after a week into the new year. People look in the mirror, point out their flaws, and think that once the new year begins, those flaws will magically be resolved.

The ability to change habits and routines does not happen overnight. People set unrealistic standards for themselves that they should be a totally different person once it is the new year. This is unattainable, and people can be self-deprecating if they do not achieve their goals.

Many try to improve their lives for the better by having new year’s resolutions such as eating healthier, going to the gym, and getting straight A’s. Although these goals may be something to aspire to, they are not realistic.

I believe that new year’s resolutions should be small changes and goals that people can realistically meet. Resolutions are goals that one can achieve and be proud of. If I do not achieve my goal, I am usually disappointed. The right way to start a new year is to have resolutions that are within reach while also challenging.

I also believe that waiting until the new year to make goals for yourself is not the right way to improve yourself. If you are so determined to make changes to your life, waiting until a specific day would not make a difference. Setting goals that don’t depend on the calendar can have a better outcome.

People set the bar too high for themselves. The most realistic goals to set are ones that can be divided into small, doable tasks. It is crucial to make small, tangible goals that will lead you toward your overarching goal.

If the resolutions are realistic, there is a greater chance that one will keep them throughout the year. It is important to take time to reflect on the change one wants and what one can realistically do to achieve that change.

New year’s resolutions can have a positive impact on people’s lives if they set reachable goals for themselves and do not give up. Being harsh on yourself will only make it worse; it is possible that you may slip up on your goal, but that does not mean you give up.

Instead of making resolutions that cause stress and anxiety, make resolutions this year that will encourage self-improvement.

It is also important to congratulate yourself for what you have accomplished thus far. Each step you take to achieve your goal is something to be proud of.