It’s the Year of the Tiger

In the 12-year Chinese zodiac, the Year of the Tiger starts on Feb. 1, 2022, and ends on Jan. 21, 2023. Based on the lunar calendar, the date for the Chinese New Year varies compared to the solar calendar we normally use.

As the Chinese New Year kicks off across many Asian communities, traditionally the celebration starts a week before and ends 15 days after the Chinese New Year, with a Lantern Festival on Feb. 15. The food served typically varies, depending on the region, but steamed fish, noodles, and dumplings are common.

It is believed that those born in the Year of the Tiger are competitive and like to do things “their way.” Some famous examples are Queen Elizabeth II, Bon Jovi, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Lady Gaga, to name a few.

While Tigers tend to be extremely competitive, they are also generous in helping others. If you are born in a Year of the Tiger, you are advised to wear red, as it will bring good luck in a birth-sign year.

The downside associated with the Tiger zodiac is that they tend to be stubborn, and prone to be irritable and overindulgent. So if you are lucky to be living with someone born under the sign, remember, they tend to not back down, so subtlety is required to convince them of their oversights.

The spirit of the Year of the Tiger is strength and courage, and it usually portends a year full of active energy. Hopefully, that energy will rub off on the world, as the world shakes off the effects of the last two years and looks forward to a prosperous year.