Family Fun Day and Car Show

The City of Coral Springs hosted its Family Fun Day and Car Show at the Sportsplex Center. Attendees enjoyed music, food trucks, vendors, bounce houses, and entertainment. For information on city events, visit


Natalie Minshul, left, paints a pretty design on Avery Bardisa.









Avery shows off her face painting.









 Olivia Prendergast goes down the giant slide with a big smile.








 Meghan Kakiel takes a break to smile for the camera.









Briana Battles dons a fire hat and a cat like face painting.









Melody Borter rides in style at the event.









William Erhart, left, and Angel Palacios spin the wheel.

When seniors need a lawyer

An 86-year-old who broke her hip recently was released from rehabilitation. While she was well enough to leave a medical facility, she faced other issues: She could no longer live alone and she’d accumulated expenses that far exceeded her ability to pay them. The senior citizen’s daughter looked for help and found it through Feldman & Feldman, a law firm specializing in, among other areas, elderly law. The firm is working with the woman, the surviving spouse of a wartime veteran, to help her qualify for VA Aid and Attendance benefits. Feldman & Feldman is also providing the area resident with options to qualify her for Florida Medicaid benefits to assist with her care expenses.

“We are also assisting the senior with ensuring her advance directives are up-to-date, so that her daughter may step in and act for her, if necessary,” said Michael Feldman, a partner with the Coral Springs firm.

Feldman is an elder law attorney, a lawyer who specializes in legal problems faced by the elderly andtheir families. Elder law attorneys deal with the “practical and special needs of vulnerable elders and their families, when facing health-related and financial problems,” Feldman said.

He said senior citizens should retain an elder law attorney whenever they face problems related directly to legal problems often faced by the elderly. Elder law’s areas of practice include Medicaid or VA benefits, advance directives, such as durable powers of attorney, healthcare designations and living wills. Elder law also encompasses estate planning and estate administration.

Before hiring an elder law attorney, a person should conduct research by finding out the answers to he following questions:

  • Is the lawyer a member of specialized organizations such as NAELA, AFELA, the Elder Law section of the Florida Bar?
  • How many years has the attorney worked in Elder Law?
  • What specialization and/or board certifications do they have?

Sometimes a person requiring the services of an elder law attorney might contact an ombudsman. Such an individual is “a government employee charged with protecting citizen rights in particular areas of concern,” Feldman said. “Most are attorneys themselves but will refer you to an appropriate private attorney when and if they believe your needs will be best served by engaging private legal counsel.”

According to the web site, under the federal Older Americans Act each state must have an ombudsman program that addresses the complaints of residents who live in nursing homes, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities.

Each statewide program usually comprises several regional or local ombudsman programs which operate within an Area Agency on Aging or other community organization.


For help

Sorting out Social Media

Social media has become more than just connecting and catching up with old friends. Today, not only can you socialize but you can market your business as well. Whether you are a person looking to find out information on topics that interest you, meet new people, find out what’s going on around you, or have a business you want to expand by growing your brand and profits — Social media has you covered. Below is a list and brief description of some of the popular social media platforms:


Facebook is the quintessential social networking website. With more than 1.7 billion users, Facebook is a great tool for finding old friends and keeping in touch by posting pictures, videos, comments, and likes. You can create a sense of community for yourself by friending the people, businesses, or celebrities you’re interested in. If you want to market your business or brand you can start a fan page, which will enable you to stay in touch with your customers and let them know about new products or sales. In addition, you can join a group that has the same interests you do or “follow” your favorite celebrity’s fan page to keep up with the latest news.


With more than 300 million active users, Twitter has become an online news network service as well as a social platform. Twitter is one big networking event where you can send fellow users a message by simply tagging them. Twitter first made it big as a news breaking forum when America raided Osama Bin Laden in his Pakistan hideout, and a local citizen nearby was tweeting about exactly what was going on. News channels themselves look to Twitter these days to find breaking news worthy stories.

Twitter is also a great way for businesses to let customers know about new products and for customers to express their concerns or give praise. You can use hashtags (#) to direct users to your products or topics of interest. Hashtags started on Twitter because of limited word space. A hashtag is used to coin a topic or reference with one word rather than go into details.



This social media platform potentially allows you to let more than 400 million users know about your brand or company by showing pictures or videos. Mainly used on a Smartphone, users can get access to Instagram at any time. Instagram allows you to be creative with photos and videos and use hashtags to direct users to your posts. The more creative you are with your posts, the more successful your site will be. With interesting filters and added editing tools, Instagram makes it fun to create appealing visuals to share. Once enticed, users can click on the link in your bio to buy your products or go to your website or read your blog.



LinkedIn is a social media networking site for professionals. Users can post jobs or find open positions that companies are looking to fill. You can connect with other professionals in your field or other fields that interest you by sending them a request to connect to your network. Gone are the days when a resume was on a piece of paper. Today, your LinkedIn profile can serve as your resume. A type of online digital resume if you will. Users can read other professionals articles, posts, or simply keep up with what is new or happening in their network of professionals.



YouTube is all about videos you upload to share with others. Users can see them and give you feedback by liking them or commenting on them. Additionally, YouTube is a great site to learn how to start a hobby such as sewing, cooking, crafting – pretty much anything you can think of. Or simply enjoy watching videos on any topic of interest. YouTube can be very entertaining or informative. You can promote your brand, upload your music, show how-to recipes, introduce new products you are launching, or showcase your talents through entertainment videos (singing/dancing). You can get discovered on YouTube, if the right person happens to see your video.



Today’s generation is glued to their Smartphone device. With the launch of Snapchat, 12 to 22-year-olds connect and snap photos to share with their friends/followers. If you are planning on marketing to this age group, you can find them here. Users snap photos and upload them to share, but within 24 hours they’re gone. You can send real-time pictures and not worry about them sticking around.




Social media has been around for merely a little over a decade and shows no sign of slowing down. Vastly growing and changing at record speed, who knows where social media can take us next.

Your Mobility is Your Life

One of the most important predictors of how healthy you will be and what quality of life you can expect is your present speed and balance while walking. Your walking need not be very fast or far, but to have a sure-footed gait and be able to walk the length of your home comfortably is a critical factor in your health. Because falls are a major contributor to loss of independence and function preventing falls becomes paramount to keeping seniors safe, independent ,and enjoying life.

An article published in the Journal of American Medicine Association in 2011 titled “Gait Speed and Survival in Older Adults,” pooled data from nine different studies that showed a link between gait speed and survival for the next five years of the subjects’ lives. In these studies, a speed of one meter per second predicted improved survival. This works out be about 78 steps per minute for a man or 90 steps per minute for a woman. This is also equal to crossing a 10-foot room in about three seconds.

Five essential things I emphasize with my patients to keep them walking and healthy are listed:

  1. Walk every day and whatever level of gait that you have in order to preserve and maintain your current level of function. Walking daily is essential. Equally important is to maintain your home with clear walkways, adequate lighting, and discard any trip hazards. Have grab bars or other safety features installed.
  1. Have a positive mental outlook. So often, in regard to walking, I hear a four letter word– “can’t.” As long as you use this word, you will not be able to achieve your goals. I often tell of a favorite patient, whom after a long illness in the hospital, was wheelchair bound. He said, “I can’t walk at all, I can’t even stand up.” After finding that his brain and nervous system were intact, I asked him, “How long can you stand for?” He replied, “I can only stand up with my walker for 15 seconds.” I said, “So stand for 15 seconds every hour of the day while you are awake. Once you are comfortable with 15 seconds, go to 30 seconds, then one minute, then two minutes, and so on. Once you can stand a few minutes, start to take a few steps.” This gentleman, who would have remained in a wheelchair forever, was walking and free of the wheelchair within a few weeks of this hourly and daily effort.
  1. Get an annual physical. You should be screened for diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, thyroid disease, vitamin D deficiency, and others. Recognizing and treating these conditions early can help avoid complications of these diseases that may otherwise result in decreased mobility and falls.
  1. Maintain a healthy diet and weight. A healthy diet is integral to the treatment of any disease, and likewise there is no disease in which diet does not play a role.
  1. Stay active. Take part in community activities that involve movement. It has been shown that daily movement is important in many diseases such as reducing dementia, Parkinson’s, and others. You can achieve your daily movement goals and maintain your mobility through walking, swimming, cycling, tai chi, yoga, stretching, bird watching, and other activities.

In summary, maintaining your ability to walk, move, or do related activities is essential to maintaining your health, independence, and quality of life.

Dr. Taubman is a board certified physician in Internal Medicine. He is an Affiliate Assistant Professor at the Charles E Schmidt Medical School at FAU and practices in Glades Medical Group in Boca Raton.

Senior pets make great companions

Animal shelters in the summertime may be overrun with puppies and kittens. But there is little worry that these bundles of fluffiness and cuteness will find their forever homes. The fact is the youngest pets are irresistible to many adults and children.

Usually overlooked are the older dogs and cats. This is a shame because potentially they adapt more easily to a new home and present fewer behavioral problems with training. From peeing on the carpet to climbing expensive silk curtains, puppies and kittens can create havoc without supervision.

“We get a lot returns of puppies because they messed in the house or chewed something,” said Lisa Mendeim, public education coordinator of Broward County Animal Care in Fort Lauderdale. “People need to be realistic with young animals, there are going to be accidents. A lot of people a have no time for training. Senior pets are great companions and very appreciative.”

At what age is a dog or cat considered a senior? According to Dr. Lisa Feinstein, formerly of the Plantation Animal Hospital, it is eight years old. Though an animal’s breed is also a factor in how long it will live. “Little dogs, like Yorkshires or Maltese, live longer than Great Danes and Rottweilers,” Feinstein said. “Just as with people, senior pets present health challenges. You may or may not want to invest in a life-saving surgery. It’s a quality of life issues for senior pets.”

“All senior pets need is love,” said Cherie Wachter, public relations and marketing person with the Humane Society of Broward County in Fort Lauderdale. She sees older pets given up for many reasons, some include moving to a no-pets apartment or allergies.

Wachter has fostered senior pets from the shelter, including a Yorkshire terrier whose owner had passed away. She kept the dog for a year. “She was just so sweet,” Wachter said. “She loved to give kisses and be petted. With older pets, you know their personalities. There aren’t a lot of surprises in store.”

Wachter recommends that adopters of older pets pay attention to them. “Be observant of their habits in terms of eating or elimination in case there is a sign of trouble,” she said.

Jennifer Hummel is dedicated to the cause of senior canines through her organization in Sarasota. It is a senior dog sanctuary that houses older dogs and finds foster and forever homes for them. The genesis of the organization was personal. “My mother passed away when I was 16,” Hummel said. “She dropped off our three senior dogs at the shelter.”

Hummel gets older dogs from owner surrenders and no-kill shelters in Florida. “A lot of them come to be neglected, so we look at their dental and skin problems and fix them up,” she said.

Having helped hundreds of dogs so far, Hummel observed, “Senior dogs are more mellow. They just want to hang out with you and take a slow walk. Some still have energy, but they are good easy pets.”

Food for thought in The Shack

I read The Shack, by William Paul Young, in 2008. Honestly, I resisted it then, as it seemed too “trendy” for my taste. The book was wildly popular – earning awards and selling millions of copies. I gave in, curious just to see what everyone was talking about. I was glad I did. I found it deeply moving, with profound insights into God and life.

Recently, The Shack, became a film. Again, I was skeptical. As much as I liked the book, I couldn’t imagine the movie being as good. I’ve not been “impressed” by the overtly Christian films I’ve seen in the theater. I feared that a beautiful book was being turned into a corny, cliché-cheapened theatrical version. Thankfully, I was wrong.

Though I still prefer the book to the movie, I found The Shack to be well-made, and respectful of the book’s intent. And, I found many of the visual references beautiful and deeply moving.

The Shack is the “fictional” story of a man named Mack, who encounters God in a mountain “shack,” following the abduction and murder of his daughter, Missy. After a time of grief and anger toward God, Mack discovers a note from “Papa,” to meet him at the “shack,” which is also where evidence of Missy’s death was discovered. When Mack arrives, unsure what to expect, he discovers the “shack” transformed into a beautiful mountain cabin, inhabited by three people representing the persons of the Christian Trinity. “Papa,” typically referred to in the Church as “Father,” turns out to be an African-American woman. Jesus is a young Jewish man. And, the Holy Spirit, is an ethereal Asian woman named, Sarayu. Over the course of a weekend, Mack discovers God to be quite different than he had previously thought, and finds healing for his terrible grief.

The Shack is filled with profound insights into God, that challenge many ideas about who God is and what God does. For some Christians, that has been a major problem. For some, The Shack threatens core theological convictions, and violates what they believe to be biblically true. Undeniably, The Shack pushes the boundaries of conventional Christian teaching, which is why it has been refreshing to some and threatening to others.

It is important to say that The Shack is not the Bible. The purpose of The Shack is to reframe ideas about God, as well as the issue of pain, and to force the reader/viewer to expand their spiritual imagination. In one of my favorite quotes from the book, Papa says, “Just because you believe something firmly doesn’t make it true. Be willing to reexamine what you believe. The more you live in the truth, the more your emotions will help you see clearly. But even then, you don’t want to trust them more than me.” 

The Shack is not ultimate Truth, however you define it. But, it contains valuable insights into Truth. Whether or not the reader/viewer agrees with every detail, The Shack provides an opportunity to reexamine your beliefs. For some, that may simply reinforce existing convictions. For others, it may open their hearts and minds a little bit wider. It did for me.

Teacher to study the Polar Ice Caps

Adeena Teres, a teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Coral Springs, is going on the trip of a lifetime. She will be traveling with “PolarTREC” to explore the polar ice caps in Greenland. PolarTREC (Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating) is a company devoted to providing polar research-based travel opportunities to educators in grades K-12.

NASA will fund Teres as part of “Operation Ice Bridge,” a scientific exploration in its ninth straight year to measure changes in the elevation of the ice sheet and sea ice extent.

Teres is grateful for this incredible opportunity. She is looking forward to braving extreme weather and conducting real scientific research in the Arctic. A Philadelphia native, she knows the snow and what she has seen is nothing compared to what lies ahead. She will explore and share this experience with her students via the Internet.

Teres applied for the trip a couple of times before she was finally accepted. She was persistent because as she explained, “It’s just something I’ve never done before.”

Teres is going on a “Survey Mission,” where she will record the amount of ice in the Arctic, conduct basic research, and collect data. Her curiosity and passion for the subject will power her forward as she shares newfound knowledge with her students from this life-changing journey.

Teres already has plans for how she will incorporate the trip into her curriculum, and she knows that it will benefit her students. “They’re going to learn what it’s like to be a real scientist,” she said.

Teres will be collaborating with other teachers and posting about her experiences in an online journal, so everyone will be able to follow her on her mission. According to Teres, the journal will be interactive, allowing her students to ask questions, and her to answer them directly.

Teres is most excited to see what it’s like to do real field research. She anticipates recording personal memories based on these adventures. She hopes to gain “a fresh outlook on science” and bring her newfound enthusiasm to the classroom. “I would like to learn more about polar science, learn more about what NASA is doing, and what other projects are out there for different scientists and teachers,” Teres said.

She is eager to learn and grow as a person, a teacher, and as a student, herself. “This is a one-of-a-kind chance to have a cultural immersion and gain valuable life skills,” she said. “I definitely want to see a polar bear, a crevice, ice calving, (the breaking of ice chunks from the edge of a glacier), snow-covered mountains, an expanse of white…which in my mind is almost unfathomable,” she added.


For Teres, this mission of stepping out of her comfort zone and the Florida sunshine into the chilly Arctic air will be unforgettable. Her students are lucky to have a teacher who is devoted to her craft, passionate about delving into uncharted territory and sharing her knowledge with them.

Wisdom from Our Mothers

 As Mother’s Day approaches, we all find our thoughts turning to our moms, whether they’re still here on this earth or gone but remaining in our hearts. We remember the nuggets of wisdom and advice they imparted to us.

My own mother had many gems she tried to instill in me, including the hoary maxim, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” but her byword, always, was “moderation.” If I may say so, she preached moderation immoderately.

What are some of the words of wisdom that mothers of other area residents gave their offspring?


Rich James, Palm Springs:

When I was in grade school, I distinctly remember my mother telling me “Always cultivate friends.” It was an interesting choice of verb, and I always did, and continue to do, just that.


Rev. Gloria Stanchak Alexander, West Palm Beach:

Mom always said, “Call me anything, but don’t call me late for dinner.” It was funny, but it was a great way to deflect some bars that label and also helps when we get involved in contentious issues.


Blair Critch, Fort Lauderdale:

Like many young brides, I ignored quite a few of the words of wisdom my mom offered about marriage…and I paid the price. In a nutshell, she said “If you do it, he won’t.” By “it” she meant housework and child care.


In the early days of our marriage we were making great money, so a housekeeper did the heavy work. By the time I had my two sons, the crash of 2008 had made our lives a bit leaner, but I figured that since I was a stay-at-home mom, that meant that I should do all of the cooking, cleaning, child care, and things like garbage duty, light repairs, and even locking up at night.


I assumed Ryan would effortlessly step in and shoulder his share when I went back to work, but my mom warned me that I had spent years “training” him not to help.


Mom, you were right! It took many, many months for my husband to view the home as a 50/50 partnership when it comes to the work that it takes to run our family, but thank goodness, now he does. I will give the same advice to my daughters-in-law some day—and hope they actually take it.


Deena Padnis, Parkland:

My mother, Naomi, always told me to fold a $20 bill and hide it in my wallet and in the car, just in case of an emergency. Sometimes I’ve run out of cash and needed that $20 bill.

The other great piece of advice is to always have food on hand in the event someone stops by. My mom loves feeding others. Since I’m now living in Florida and originally from Philly, I get many unannounced visitors. Luckily my mom’s words of advice have stuck with me. We always have food.


Shirl Solomon, Palm Springs:

Wisdom from my Yiddish momma: In my late teens I had many beaus but was dating one fairly regularly. My sister, Sophie, some five years older, was more attractive, more intelligent, and more talented than I, but somehow not as lucky with the opposite sex. My mother approached me one day and asked if I had serious intentions with this one persistent beau. When I replied “No,” she suggested that I tell him and free him to date my sister, Sophie.


Today, they are both deceased, but they had a wonderful marriage for 55 years. In Yiddish we call this “chutzpah.” My mother had a lot of that, and I love her all the more for it.


Spring Fling: 5 Simple Tips For An Organized Home

About 33 percent of Americans choose spring as their favorite season of the year according to Rasmussen Reports. So why is springtime so popular? Is it the warmer temperatures, signs of new growth, or the increase in daylight? For those up North, it is time to put away the snow boots and shovels while for others it is a period when hibernation ends and home organization begins.


Spring is a time to fling your accumulation and engage in rejuvenation. A major reason why we collect and keep things, be it accidental or otherwise, is because we do not wish to separate from their memories. Consequently, we refuse to part with items we have neither seen nor used for several years. This chaos and clutter can be fought with little to no casualties. According to Ben Franklin, “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”


Spring Fling means revitalizing your environment to invite creativity and productivity. In fact, studies out of Princeton University have found that physical clutter in your surroundings competes for your attention and results in increased stress as well as decreased performance. Set your Spring Fling in motion, with these few simple organizing tips.

  1. Focus on one task per room at a time. For example, in the bathroom open up your medicine cabinet or drawer. Start by sifting through and disposing of expired products and empty containers until you are clear of things unseen or used since last spring. Remember, when in doubt fling it out.


  1. Engage your family in the organizing process. Children and spouses are more likely to keep things organized if they are involved in the activity. Allow them to decide which items they want to keep, purge, or donate. Make the process fun and offer incentives in order to continue the momentum throughout the year.


  1. Cease bringing junk mail into your home. Strategically place a garbage bin near the mailbox (i.e. the garage) to avoid unwanted correspondence from becoming an unsightly pile on your kitchen counter.


  1. Make it easier to put things away by creating more room. For every new item you place in your closet or drawers, remove one for dumping or donating. This will help increase space and decrease


  1. Hire a professional organizer when you have neither the time nor interest to work on these projects by yourself. Just like hiring a contractor or housekeeper, there are some tasks you may just want to leave to the experts.


WorldFest celebrates diversity

WorldFest celebrates diversity

Last month Coral Springs hosted WorldFest at the Sportsplex to celebrate the diverse cultures that make up the community of Coral Springs. The event featured ethnic foods, live entertainment, arts and crafts, and fun activities for children. The event also featured Culture Village and Kid’s World


1.Lotus Angel with South Florida Vietnamese Folkore Dance.

3: Mona Tsui from the Coral Spring Chinese Cultural Association.

8: Officer Jomant with Caeser from the Coral Springs k9 Unit, demonstrate K9 take downs.

9: Josef Keller reads a book while selling jewelry.

12: Rosa Humala buys handmade jewelry.

13: Brittany Bell pets a little donkey.

14: Fernanda Lopez rides the pony.


17. Chaitanya Bhate from India with his son Agastia and wife Shuti Bhate enjoy the day.

18.Emma Viola sips a pineapple

21: Emily Jones plays in the bouncy house




Putting the “blue” in Red White and Blue

North of Ocala and south of Gainesville is a travel destination that is literally blueberry heaven. It’s the Red White and Blue Farm nestled in the quiet town of Williston, about one hour from Orlando.

The farm’s name is symbolic of patriotism and love of country, but Terry Robinson who co-owns the family business with wife Sharon, son Devon, and his daughter-in-law, Sarah, admits the “blue” was a good fit to advertise the farm’s blueberries. “It was a perfect fit,” he said.

It’s a perfect fit too for the masses that travel to the farm to select choice blueberries, dine on homemade lunch specials, enjoy delicious items from the bakery, and visit the ice cream parlor. At RWB, its everything blueberry—from milkshakes sundaes, and muffins, to cobbler, pies, scones, cookies, jam, and more.

After a busy day of blueberry picking and dining, guests can settle into comfortable rocking chairs and appreciate the ambiance of a farm surrounded by 200-year-old Oak trees. “The farm’s ambiance is hard to duplicate,” Robinson said. “It has a real old school picturesque feel to it, and people love that.” Against this beautiful backdrop, the farm also hosts weddings.

According to Robinson, visitors arrive from all over the state—including many from South Florida. “When you come here, it’s very much a family outing because there’s something for everyone to enjoy,” he said.

You Pick Days

The farm sits on 100 acres, 38 of which are lined with neat rows of select blueberries. The “You Pick” days are a family favorite, and open seven days during the picking season that begins in April and ends in May. This year, according to Robinson, the season will be extended into the first couple weeks of June.

There is a grass parking area for vehicles. Visitors are met and are given instructions on where to pick and walk in the fields. Guests are provided with a special picking harness that hooks onto a bucket that hangs at chest level so they can pick with both hands. Their box is capable of holding about six pounds of blueberries. “I’ve seen some pick as much as 50 pounds of blueberries,” Robinson said. “If you don’t want to pick, we sell a cooler that holds two pounds of blueberries for only $10.”

There are various varieties of blueberries to choose from, and at the end of every row is a stake with a color indicator for each type of blueberry. Red is Windsor, green is Emerald, purple is Spring High, orange is Sweet Crisp, blue is Jewel, yellow is Star Highbush, gray is Primadonna High, and black is Farthing. Robinson said it takes anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes to pick a bucket and that some people want to taste every variety. Once the fruit is harvested, visitors go to a weigh station and are charged $4 per pound. “We provide everyone with a box container and it’s a perfect size for any refrigerator.”

“There was a time when a woman came up to me and said, “Your farm is like Disneyland compared to other farms,” recalled Robinson. The reason is simple—the taste. “Every blueberry farm is different; if you grow 20 miles away the water and soil may be different, so the harvest and taste will differ,” he said. “A blueberry contains 87-90 percent water, and we’re fortunate that our farm has the resource of an intricate river system, so the quality and taste of our product is exceptional.”

Educational tours and field trips take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. “We explain to kids the importance of bees and honey and how they impact our environment,” commented Robinson. “While the kids learn, the parents pick.” Also on the grounds is also a play area for children and picnic tables under the Oak trees. “We get a lot of moms with their kids and both parents and kids just love being here,” said the co-owner of the farm that had its roots in Stuart in 2007 and moved to Williston in 2010.

For those that love everything blueberry, the Red White and Blue Farm is a must-see destination on your travel itinerary.

No more spring cleaning! Tools and tips to help your home sparkle all year

Few things are more satisfying than a thoroughly cleaned and de-cluttered home. Newly scrubbed floors, polished furniture and de-grimed windows are visible proof of your hard work, and when closets and filing spaces are pared down and organized, the mind feels like it’s been through a spring cleaning of its own.

Few modern chores are as physically exhausting, either. After a weekend of serious spring cleaning, you realize why the task is an annual project.

The better way you’ve been wishing for has arrived, thanks to robots and other automatic cleaning tools that have turned housework into high-tech work. Depending on your comfort level, they may even make you look forward to cleaning.

Robotic Cleaners

The automatic vacuum cleaner has been with us for almost two decades, but you can now get a robot for almost every cleaning chore inside and outside the house. The technology has advanced to include WiFi connectivity and smartphone apps for automatic and remote control, and at least one brand will even do windows. They’ll work whether you’re at home with them or away, although if you have pets you may want to try a few test runs before leaving them alone together.

Here are three leading robotic-cleaning brands in an ever-expanding specialty.


iRobot (
It all started with Roomba, first introduced by iRobot in 2002. The little round robot revolutionized cleaning; just turn it on and watch Roomba travel across the floor, sucking up dirt and memorizing the room layout for the most efficient cleaning. iRobot has added new models with increasingly sophisticated features, from WiFi connectivity to the ability to move smoothly from bare floors to carpet. You can also get an iRobot to mop your floors (Braava), clean your swimming pool (Mirra) or clear out your gutters (Looj).

Ecovacs Robotics (
Ecovacs’ Deebot Slim does all three tasks for the floor: It sweeps, vacuums and even mops. You can get Ecovacs’ Winbot to do your windows. It clamps onto a widow of almost any size, both with and without frames, and tracks up and down the glass, cleaning with its special solution. An extension cord enables cleaning up to 4.3 meters high (about 14 feet).

Neato Robotics (
Neato’s Botvac vacuums any kind of dirt but its specialty is pet hair. The company claims to have the most effective pet hair cleaning on the market. Its smartphone app includes coverage maps showing you where it’s cleaned. Available accessories include boundary markers to keep Neato away from objects you don’t want it to pick up.


Bathroom Helpers
Unfortunately, a toilet-cleaning or shower-scrubbing robot is not yet on the market and probably won’t be for some time. There are tools that can make cleaning the bathroom a little easier, although you may still be required to provide the elbow grease.

Automatic Toilet Cleaners
The word “automatic” may be overstating things, since you really have to start with a clean toilet; this is more about maintenance. Once the bowl is clean, simply hang the automatic cleaner in the tank and send cleaning solutions into the bowl with each flush.






Automatic Shower Cleaners
People have had less success with these; reviewers are ecstatic at first but later report they start to fail after a few months or need refills more often than expected. The cleaners work by spraying cleaning solutions around the shower/tub enclosure.


Power Scrubbers
For built-up soap scum, several companies offer scrubbing gadgets specially made for the kitchen and bathroom. You can also purchase cleaning pads that attach to an ordinary electric drill. Apply some cleaning solution to the pad and start smoothing away the dirt. Keep the pad firmly against the surface but let friction do the work.

Keep It Clean
Once your home is sparkling-fresh again, save yourself that huge chore next year. Keep up with day-to-day dirt as it appears, but focus your weekend housework on the bathroom and one other room each week. You may not have that satisfying just-cleaned smell from a whole-house assault, but you also won’t need a weekend to recover.


For tips on spring cleaning, the internet has a variety of sites to visit.

A few of those sites are: